Why Oxford's soaring property market is a danger to your business Chris #BusinessOxygen
Average house price in Oxford of £361, times average annual earnings Source: Lloyds Bank Affordable Cities Review
Average private monthly rents for 2 bed homes Sources: thisismoney.co.uk, Shelter, Ordnance Survey Data
Average gross annual salary£33,842 Monthly gross income£2,820 Monthly take home pay£2,182 Monthly rent for a 2 bed home£900 Rent as a proportion of take home pay41%
Sources: thisismoney.co.uk, Rentify How much salary people sacrifice for rent
Why? Supply problem
100,000 homes in the county 15,000 around the city
46,000 people commuting to Oxford every day Source: Oxford City Council, 2011 Census
The cost of living – 58% Purchasing a property – 32% Commuting – 23% Barriers to recruiting & retaining skilled staff
“We’re sitting on a catastrophe” Councillor Bob Price, Leader of Oxford City Council
Commuting unsustainable long term?
The problem for businesses The business stages model courtesy of Shirlaws Business Coaching
Reputation Relationships Sales
Chris #BusinessOxygen