Welcome to Fasset’s SDF Networking Event: Skills Audits (March 2004)
SDL paid to SARS 20% NSF Window 10% Admin Fasset 70% Employer Grants Deadline dates 15% WSP 2004/5 due 30 Jun 04 45% ATR 2003/4 due 31 May 04 10% SCG 2003/4 due 31 May 04 Roll over & discretionary funds Next SDF CPE May on learnerships SDF booklets (available on website) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) Fasset Skills Advisors (all employers) Larger Employer Forum (50+ staff) May R25K PDI Grant due March Budget and Tax Update March Financial Sector Charter, BEE, EE June Labour Law Update (date to be advised) Leadership & Management Development learners July-Nov Social project window is closed
Learnerships Learnerships under development and design Management consulting learnership IPFA learnership Debt collectors qualification Office administration Learnership readiness summary Learnership readiness pack
Research Sector Skills Plan for is being developed - consultation Trade union survey HSRC brochure
SDF Unit Standard Update Unit Standard Ttle NQFLevelCredits 1. Conduct skills development administration Develop an organisational training and development plan Manage individual careers Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation 56
SDF Unit Standard Update Unit Standard Title NQF Level Credits 5. Promote a learning culture in organisations Advise on the establishment and implementation of a quality management implementation of a quality management system for skills development practices in system for skills development practices in an organisation an organisation Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues skills development and related issues54 8. Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other of learning for skills development and other purposes purposes64
Thank you