Ticket to Work Program Ticket Assignment Request Process.


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Presentation transcript:

Ticket to Work Program Ticket Assignment Request Process

Course Objectives Describe the Ticket eligibility process Describe the Ticket Assignment Request (TAR) process Demonstrate Secure Provider Portal functionality that applies to the Ticket Assignment Process Identify resources to aid you in the Ticket assignment process 2

Your Expectations Ticket Assignment Process What is it? How to sign up What paperwork is needed How to use the system How does it work? Benefits to my organization for utilizing TAR? Source for FAQs How to monitor the process? Is there communication with ENs when TAR is not functioning? 3

Ticket to Work Program Ticket assignment is evidence of the Social Security Administration’s agreement to pay an Employment Network (EN) when a beneficiary who has a Ticket assigned to that EN reaches certain earnings and income milestones. Eligibility o Age 18 through 64 o Actively receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits Participation is completely voluntary. 4

Ticket Assignment Process Flow 5 Beneficiary Access and Support Services (BASS) gives information about ENs and their services. Ticket Holder chooses to work with an EN that meets their needs and goals. Ticket Holder meets with ENs to discuss goals and services. Ticket Holder

Ticket Assignment Process Flow 6 YES NO Good Match? Not Appropriate Match? Assess the match between EN/VR and Beneficiary Complete Intake tool & IWP EN Eligible for TAR? EN submits IWP to OSM for review Individual Work Plan (IWP) is retained with the EN EN completes the Ticket Assignment Request (TAR) The ticket will be assigned or not assigned. Submit TAR request Refer the Beneficiary to other services

Beneficiary Choice 7 Decision to become financially independent Services needed to meet employment goals o Employment Network o State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency

Meeting with the service provider Assessment: Do the services you offer match the beneficiary’s needs? Does the beneficiary have previous work history? Is the beneficiary likely to make it to Trial Work Level (TWL) or Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA)? Does the beneficiary desire to become financially independent? What is the skill and education level of beneficiary? Does the beneficiary have a history of prior earnings? Identify: Limitations Past employment issues Strengths and competencies Fears Housing Childcare Medication Transportation 8

Progress Check 1 Which of the following four assessment steps is necessary to determine a match between a beneficiary and a service provider? A. Beneficiary’s family history B. The job market in your area C. Is the beneficiary likely to reach TWL or SGA? D. What is the minimum wage rate in your city? 9

Match of Services to Needs Is there a good fit for the EN and Beneficiary? 10 Yes No

Services do not match the Needs Refer the Beneficiary to BASS Refer to another EN/State VR agency 11 Back

Complete an Individual Work Plan (IWP) 12

Individual Work Plan Submission Process 13

Eligible for the Ticket Assignment Request (TAR) Process? 14 Yes No

Submit the IWP Complete the IWP Submit to OSM Secure Provider Portal Fax U.S. postal service 15

Progress Check 2 Regardless of TAR eligibility, all service providers must keep their IWPs on file at their location ready for submittal upon request. True? False? 16

OSM Reviews the IWP Requirements of RFQ Complete Incomplete A Ticket will be assigned or not assigned 17 Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned

When a Ticket is Not Assigned Notification Letter in the mail Incomplete 1.Invalid Social Security Number (SSN) 2.Not in current pay status 3.Assigned with another provider 18

Terminology Assignable Not Assignable Assigned (EN) In-Use (VR) 19 Back

Ticket Successfully Assigned Ticket Assignment Confirmation Letter Ticket Status Secure Provider Portal IVR system 20

The TAR Process 21 Back YES NO Complete Intake tool & Individual Work Plan (IWP) EN Eligible for TAR? EN submits IWP to OSM for review IWP is retained with the EN EN completes the Ticket Assignment Request (TAR) Submit TAR request The ticket will be assigned or not assigned.

Progress Check 3 If I am eligible for the TAR process I no longer need to submit my IWP to the OSM. True? False? 22

IWP Review Process IWPs maintained with EN Random IWP Review Summary Report o Technical Assistance call TAR process continues Eligibility is revoked

How to Submit a Ticket Assignment Request 24

Ticket Assignment Request Continued 25

Progress Check 4 Complete the following sentence “My organization may submit a ticket assignment request through the Secure Provider Portal _____________” A. once we are eligible for TAR B. before we develop an IWP C. after suitability 26

Resources for Success Technical Assistance and Support Center, including: o Automated Ticket Assignability Information and Payment Help Desk Toll Free: ENVR (3687) o Option 1: Ticket Assignability IVR system o Other Options: Payment and Systems Help Desks FAX: TDD: o Secure Online Provider Portal Complete Forms View Reports Upload and Download Documents Check Ticket Assignability and Ticket History for training and other resourceswww.yourtickettowork.com 27

Resources for Success continued Monthly calls with Social Security and the Operations Support Manager o All EN Call – First Thursday o All VR Call – Second Tuesday o All EN Payments Call – Last Tuesday More information at 28

Progress Check 5 Complete this sentence “A great resource for more information on this topic and others is____________” A. B. Monthly EN calls C. TASC helpline D. All of the above 29

Key Points 30 Described the Ticket Eligibility Process Described the Ticket Assignment process flow Demonstrated Secure Provider Portal functionality that applies to the Ticket Assignment Process Identified Resources to Aid you in the Ticket Assignment Process

This Completes the Ticket to Work Ticket Assignment Request Process training 31 Please fill out our brief evaluation of this training by clicking on the following link: