Copy Signature 2.In Outlook, click the File Menu. 3.Select Options. 4.Select Mail from the list on the left of the options window. 5.Click the Signatures button. 1.Highlight the Signature Example provided. Start just before “First name” and end after Copy the text by pressing Ctrl + C on your keyboard. At this point, nothing will appear to have changed, but a copy of the text is now waiting to be pasted elsewhere First name, Last name Title Zaner-Bloser | Superkids Direct: , ext: #### Stay Connected: Facebook | Twitter | Blog Zaner-Bloser Corporate Office 1201 Dublin Road, Columbus, OH Customer Experience: If you wish to opt out of commercial messages from me, please respond and let me know. If you wish to opt out of all commercial messages from Zaner-Bloser, please 1
Create Signature 1.If you already have a signature named “ZB Standard” select it from the list and click the Delete button. The new signature will replace any previous standard signatures. 2.Click the New button. 3.Enter “ZB Standard” as the name for the new signature. 4.Click OK. 5.Left click in the upper left corner of the Edit signature box to place the cursor. 6.Right click in the edit signature area and select the “Paste – Keep Source Formatting” option. This will add the text with all the proper formatting
1.At the top of the signature, highlight “First name, last name” and type your name to replace it. 2.Highlight “Title” and type your title to replace it. 3.Highlight the #### after ext. and type your four digit extension for customers that call using the toll-free number. 4.If you have an additional phone number that should be included, place your cursor after the last digit of your extension and press the Enter key on your keyboard once. Type the description of the new number (Mobile, Office, etc.) with a colon after it. Do not include a 1 before the number, and separate each section with “.” to match the format of the toll- free number. 5.In the upper right section of the Signature tab, click the drop down menu for New messages and select ZB Standard. 6.Click OK to close the window, then click OK to the Outlook Options window to return to your normal Outlook view. Personalize Signature (images show previous version of the signature, but the instructions will still apply)