August 11, 2009 Using the Data of the EarthScope in Education Susan Eriksson, UNAVCO Director of Education and Outreach
Approach for today PurposePurpose What types of data for EarthScope componentsWhat types of data for EarthScope components What will you use it for?What will you use it for? Resources for dataResources for data Resources for educational frameworkResources for educational framework Plan for after the workshopPlan for after the workshop
Why EarthScope? Scientific discoveries - the ‘content’ things we know things we don’t know How we go about ‘finding out’ Skills of science -? Exploration - inquiry
Drillhole across San Andreas Fault 875 GPS Instruments 175 Borehole Strainmeters 5 Long-Baseline Laser Strainmeters 400 Seismometers at 2,000 sites 100 Permanent Seismometers
SAFOD A borehole laboratory on the San Andreas fault studying the physics of earthquake nucleation at the depths where earthquakes begin
Using Data in the Classroom
US Transportable Array Includes 400 Transportable Seismometers Station occupies a site for 1½ - 2 years 10 years to leap-frog array across the US
1.1.7 Special Events 2008 Wells, Nevada Earthquake2008 Wells, Nevada Earthquake Web fact sheetWeb fact sheet Teachable moment Powerpoint for faculty useTeachable moment Powerpoint for faculty use Ground motion visualization:Ground motion visualization: Blue down Red up Charles Ammon, Penn State Special Events
Community Products TA visualization from Chuck AmmonTA visualization from Chuck Ammon UsesUses WorkshopsWorkshops PresentationsPresentations WebWeb Automatically generated version available from IRIS DMCAutomatically generated version available from IRIS DMC PlansPlans Matlab versionMatlab version Special events version for public and mediaSpecial events version for public and media Community Products
11 PBO
12 Plate Motion
Using Data in the Classroom
15 Transient motion associated with faults Parkfield Earthquake Episodic Tremor and Slip
We can see what’s on the surface. Cascadia Subduction Zone How does the surface change as a response to subduction? How does EarthScope help us appreciate earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions? Cascadia Interpretive Workshop
Using Data in the Classroom
Animations Developing series to explain EarthScope-related concepts Episodic tremor and slip Animations
Animations Developing series to explain EarthScope-related concepts – –Episodic tremor and slip
20 ETS Progression over days
Using Data in the Classroom
22 Propagation of Sumatra Earthquake Ishii
24 Volcanic Deformation VolcanicSignals Sierra Negra, Galapagos Time Dennis Geist, U. Idaho
Galapagos InSAR and GPS Vectors Showing trapdoor faulting event
26 Fig. 2. (A) Temporal variation of vertical ground motions of labeled Yellowstone GPS stations W.-L. Chang et al., Science 318, (2007) 26 Yellowstone Ground Motions Yellowstone Ground Motions