ATF2 Status Background for the installation planning of Collimator


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Presentation transcript:

ATF2 Status Background for the installation planning of Collimator N.Terunuma, KEK i-LINK2013 second collaboration meeting, LAL, July 1st 2015

ATFでの研究開発に参加した共同研究者数(訪問者) Collaborators visiting ATF ATF2ビームライン建設(Construction) ナノビーム研究開発(ATF2 beam studies) 海外の大学・研究機関 Oversea Institutes 延べ人数(人日) man-days 2014 Almost similar to 2013 国内の大学など/ Domestic Institutes Accelerator Test Facility, KEK

若手研究者の育成/Education of young researchers 博士号総数 53 Ph.D Accelerator Test Facility, KEK

Goals of ATF2 project Produce and Confirm Small Beam Size (Goal-1) Achievement of 37 nm (s) beam size (ey12 pm, by* 0.1 mm) Demonstration of a compact final focus system based on local chromaticity correction Maintaining the small beam size over an extended period of time Produce and Confirm Stable Beam (Goal 2) Demonstration of beam trajectory stabilization with nano-meter precision at the IP Establishment of techniques for controlling beam jitter at the nanometer level with an ILC-like beam

History of ATF2 minimum beam size Major improvements Beam Monitors Multi-OTR installed Shintake Monitor upgrade May 2010 Multi-pole field error Skew Sextupoles (installed) QF1 (exchanged) Recovery from 3.11 Earthquake No ATF2 operation Sextupoles (exchanged) Feb 2012 Wakefield mitigation, stabilization of laser, electron beam,… Dec 2012 Mar 2013 44 nm Jun 2014

Goal-2 Status Produce and Confirm Stable Beam

Installation at the ATF2 IP, 2014.11.8 IPBPM AB IPBPM C

Bunch 1: not corrected, jitter ~ 400nm Bunch 2: corrected, Best IPFB results Bunch 1: not corrected, jitter ~ 400nm Bunch 2: corrected, jitter ~ 67nm  limited due to the present BPM resolution 47 nm 2015 Step by step improvement studies on the BPM signal processing Results from Intra-train Feedback status, P.Burrows, 18th ATF2 project meeting, 25 February 2015

List of ATF2 R&Ds Collimator Goal1: toward the 37 nm Goal2: nanometer beam stabilization Wakefield-free steering Grand Motion Studies  Ground motion based orbit feed-forward Diamond Sensor Vertical scanner had been installed in May 2015. Collimator  Discussion for installation in this meeting

More CLIC related R&D Ultra-low b* OTR/ODR beam monitor Aiming 20 nm small beam Two Octupoles will be installed in FY2015 (winter?). OTR/ODR beam monitor Equipment will be installed in FY2015 too.

The first Diamond Sensor (horizontal) at ATF2: Installed and tested with beam in 2014 The main purpose is to measure the beam halo distribution with high dynamic range (~106) made by CIVIDEC Company Four Sensor Strips 3908-5146-7949-9428

14 Ground Motion sensors have been installed along ATF2 detection of the ground motion effect on the beam development of a Ground Motion feedforward acting on the beam stability. evaluation of the vibrational performances for nanometer stabilization. Guralp 6T GM sensors

AWLC14, Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders 2014, May 12, Fermilab Goal-1 Not sufficient? Goal-2 Others AWLC14, Americas Workshop on Linear Colliders 2014, May 12, Fermilab N.Terunuma, KEK LC review, 7 Feb 2014

ATF operation for FY2015 The budget for the ATF operation is almost same as FY2014. It may spend almost for the maintenance. Not enough for R&D but some part of support or small improvement can be done October run is canceled but keep January to March runs.

ATF Beam Plan for FY2015, 20 weeks Canceled