Patient-Caregiver Relationships John Bloomfield, Faith O’Georgia, Natalie Rodgers, Daniel Frazer
Chapter 3 Case Study 3 A Supreme court ruling decided that public hospitals were to no longer give positive drug test results of pregnant women over to police without their consent. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the pregnant women, because they saw a breach in patient/doctor confidentiality and stated it was an unconstitutional practice. Many arrests were made in a South Carolina Hospital in an effort to lower fetal abuse by having women seek help for themselves or go to jail. These were deemed unconstitutional, because doctors have an obligation to make sure that patients are fully informed of all their rights. With consent of patient or a search warrant though, police are allowed to get test results when health of an unborn child is in jeopardy.
Chapter 4 Case Study 2 “HIV and and a Researcher’s Duty to Warn”
Chapter 5 Case Study 3 A mother had brought her 14 year old child into the hospital. He had several mosquito bites, and had several episodes of vomiting. At times he seemed agitated and lethargic. He came from a healthy home with a healthy background. Medical examinations ruled he was a drowsy and disoriented patient with a temperature of 37.8 degree celsius, and a heartrate of 107 varying periodically about 20 BPM. The mother thinks it is West Nile Virus and was requesting a Spinal tap immediately. The child later, in private revealed he had taken dextromethorphan after class with some friends. He requested this not be told to his mother. Because the mother isn’t aware, she is being persistent about the spinal tap.
Chapter 5 Case Study 3 Cont... Informed Consent Patient has substantial understanding, absence of control by others, makes decisions intentionally, authorizes a professional. Nuremberg Code Patient must volunteer, be legally competent, informed, and comprehending.
Chapter 6 case study 1 A researcher gives a 6 year old girl a new drug in addition to her old medicine, then take the drugs away from her to see how she will do without it. A depressed teenager enrolled in a study for antidepressant, but doesn't know if he is getting a placebo or the real thing. The parents of an epileptic youngster enrolled her in a test for a new drug that has worked for adults, but doesn't know if she will be getting the new medication or the other one that has worked only moderately.