Computer Simulation Game: Business Policy Game Rules & Procedures Dr. Laura L. Whitcomb BUS 4970
World Numbers Each BUS 4970 section is a separately run simulation world Each team is a company competing against other companies in this world Do NOT forget your world and team number for the next 15 weeks!
Company Products Simulated world: consumer durable, $10 Two Year Plan & Final Reports: Do NOT need to choose a product Assume all competitors are in the same industry.
Quarterly Decisions Each decision is for one quarter (4 decisions per year) Two years of history (labeled years 1 and 2) should be reviewed before making first decision The game runs for 4 years (Years 3 – 6), or 16 quarterly decisions
Criteria Weighting Factors Game performance is graded based on ROA, ROE, MS ($, not units), SP, UPC, TNI Weighting factors indicate how your team prioritizes these objectives Allows your team to influence how you will be graded Preliminary: trial run, may be changed Final: set in concrete; basis for grade
Geographic Home Areas Area 1: Eastern Merica – Teams 1 and 4 Area 2: Southern Merica – Teams 2 and 5 Area 3: Western Merica – Teams 3 and 6 Area 4: Nystok/Pandau/Sereno – all teams have international sales offices; none have headquarters or plants here
Decision Input Form
Marketing: Price & Advertising
HR: Salespeople
Product R&D & Training
New Models: Warning New models do not come into effect until the quarter AFTER manufacturing starts. Any “new” models sold before the second quarter of their manufacture will be perceived by consumers as “old” models, even though they have the “new” higher costs.
Production Scheduling
Production Capacity
Decision Input Form
Decision Outputs Sample output results are in BPG manual appendices; actual historical reports can be downloaded after your decision file is installed. Market research is not instant: will be printed out with your results Level playing field to start Industry rankings clear with each simulation run
GAME PROCEDURES Internet Integrated Mode Each team receives a startup zip file by or flash drive during the first week of classes ( Do NOT open the file: Save to Downloads. Opening the file may corrupt it! If you opened the file, delete it & start over. Input decisions using the Players Program available on the bpg website. The Players Program will access the file.
Get the Players Program BPG website: Go to Players Area Get the 7 th edition Download copy of the manual, if you wish Download the Players Program onto your PC or laptop User name = player Password = swb30oss Install the program
Player’s Login
Player’s Area:
Player’s Program – Download / Install Download and install the Player’s Program in your computer (PC only, NO Mac) from Then view the Tutorial From Website directly OR From Player’s Program Help Menu
Player’s Program - Setup Select Internet mode Install the startup zip file (from game instructor) Download the Y2Q4 Results Upload the Y3Q1 decisions
Player’s Program
Player ’ s Program Menu Frequently Used Buttons File Save reports Decisions New decision set Open decision set Reports View Print Graph
Upload Confirmation
Report Viewer All reports since the competition began saved on your PC (old reports NOT saved on the server) View reports on screen Print individual reports Make sure each team member gets a copy of each report to review before team meetings
Disseminating Results to Team 1. Use only ONE computer to upload decisions and download results. Problems tend to occur when more than one team member accesses the simulation. 2. When you click Print reports in the Players Program, it asks if you want to save. If you save, it creates a pdf file of the report. Designate one person to deal with simulation decisions and have that person send pdf's to everyone else on the team to distribute the results.
Income Statement
Pay the Simulation Licensing Fee On the bpg website, use a credit card to pay the $100 licensing fee for your team Make sure you input the correct World # and Team # Send the license to your own address and save it with your game folder (Tool) Send a copy of your license to Game account:
Contact Person for Game Decision Provide the and cell phone for your team’s contact person to the grad assistants before first Make sure the contact person’s computer could download the report and upload the team’s decision
Screen Image of Game Decision Provide a screen image to Game with all decisions
Proof of Game Decision Upload Provide a screen image of upload to Game with every
The Game Will Not be Rerun!! Get Your Inputs Correct the First Time!! [HINT: If you really want to FAIL BUS 4970, change your team’s decision before uploading it.]
Decisions are Due by 1:00 P.M. Monday and Thursday (First decision due Week 3, Thursday September 8) If your decision disk is not received on time, your previous quarter’s decision will be used
BPG Quiz on Moodle Read the BPG manual in Week 1: review end of chapter summaries Week 2: Moodle Quiz. Twenty true-false questions; best score out of two attempts.
Simulation Support Mr. Vallabh Naik, Game Administrator Office Hr : Decision Days 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM Office: Simpson Tower F805 Dr. Kern Kwong Office: Simpson Tower F805
Protocol When ing simulation support, always include your World # and Team # in the subject heading. Be kind to Game Administrator: if there is a problem you cannot resolve, contact Dr. Kwong and your instructor.