SEBI 2010 expert group on Indicators of climate change impacts on biodiversity What happened since last meeting? Dominique Richard SEBI WG2 coordinator,


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Presentation transcript:

SEBI 2010 expert group on Indicators of climate change impacts on biodiversity What happened since last meeting? Dominique Richard SEBI WG2 coordinator, ETC/BD Snorri Baldursson SEBI WG2 Chair

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 2 Selection of indicators Following the meeting of the SEBI WG2, October 2008, two indicators were proposed for consideration by the SEBI CT : - Bird indicator - Alpine plant indicator A specific objective was to decide which indicator to include in the SEBI report to be published in May 2009

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 3 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team October 2008, Copenhagen Members of the SEBI CT : EEA: G. Mc Innes (EEA Deputy director, Chair of the CT), F. Schutyser (Indicator officer), I. Pereira Martins (Head of Biodiversity group) Chairs and coordinators of each 3 Expert groups: Interlinkage: B.T. Brink, MNP & S. Condé, MNHN-ETC/BD; Communication: J. Williams, JNCC-ETC/BD & L. Jones, ECNC-ETC/BD; CC and biodiversity: S. Baldursson, IINH & D. Richard, MNHN-ETC/BD) EC DGEnv: A. Teller UNEP-PEBLDS: Ivonne Higuero UNEP-WCMC: M. Walpole, D. Stanwell-Smith

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 4 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team October 2008, Copenhagen Bird indicator: a lot of discussion on the relevance of the “one graph” indicator (CC Impact Indicator). The “2 graphs” indicator was considered by several members of the group as more easy to interpret -

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 5 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team October 2008, Copenhagen Alpine indicator: considered by members of the SEBI CT to be very promising. Expecting results from the on-going survey

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 6 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team October 2008, Copenhagen As a follow-up, several e- mail exchanges within the EG and with R. Gregory to refine the presentation and documentation of the indicator in the EEA Indicator-based assessment report Progress towards the European 2010 biodiversity target.

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 7 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team March 2009 One more meeting decided for each of three expert groups: Interlinkage group: To finalise a report on an integrated approach to the set of 26 SEBI indicators Communication group: Support to the EEA for finalisation of the SEBI report as well as different communication products, including a SEBI logo CC and biodiversity group: Further document, consolidate the proposed indicators. Possible contribution to a side- event together with ETC/Air and Climate Change during COP CC in Copenhagen?

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 8 Several members of the SEBI CT mentioned the need to support a message on how ecosystems can help climate change mitigation. It was reminded that the group was assigned to work only on impacts indicators and not on mitigation indicators. At this stage, recommendations on mitigation can rely on case studies but not on indicators (see discussion later on “10 messages for biodiversity). Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team March 2009

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 9 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team March 2009 The current set of SEBI indicators (26 +) will need to be improved/ or updated as far as possible according to data availability This means a limited new (sub) indicators to be proposed in a later phase. Need to wait for the political agreement on post 2010 targets Likely that an indicator on biodiversity and climate change adaptation will be needed

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 10 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team March 2009 The SEBI CoordinationTeam will remain active as a joint platform for several organisations (EEA, DGEnv, UNEP) to ensure a follow up of the process, in line with the policy agenda This will help formalising the SEBI process to ensure regular production of the indicators and will help getting funds from EC

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 11 Feedback from SEBI Coordination Team March 2009 The current expert groups will “close” after their last meeting (this meeting for our group) But wish to keep experts and organisations involved in the SEBI process A letter will be sent to each expert to thank them and keep them engaged by exchanges etc… Idea to have a SEBI 2010 newsletter The EIONET-NRC seminar in September will be largely dedicated to feedback on SEBI. Non-EIONET countries will be invited.

3rd SEBI Expert Group Meeting Climate change and Biodiversity June 2009 Paris 12 Thank you for your attention!