School Board Meeting Monday, November 7 Doug Alderfer, Oskar Scheikl
Receive feedback from RCPS employees that will be considered for inclusion in division and budgeting planning and priority setting. Provide a consistent opportunity to employees to give input regarding their experience with RCPS. Provide a baseline survey tool for the division. This survey can be utilized or tailored by each individual school or level for additional goal setting. The survey will help both the division and schools better align themselves to division goals and comprehensive plan.
The survey solicits input from all school district employees across a fairly comprehensive collection of work place topics designed to measure general employee satisfaction, commitment to the organization, morale and climate, cultural factors, workplace environment, readiness for change and leadership dynamics.
71 item Online Survey 10 Dimensions Appropriate for all employee groups Anonymous Provides Summary Analysis including comparison data from other districts Allows for 10 customized questions Cost: $875
School Pride Internal Communication Parent Connections Work Environment Organization Dynamics Accountability Meeting Student Needs Readiness for Change Direction of the Organization Leadership Dynamics
The NCSL schedules several survey windows each year. There is currently an open window that closes on Friday, November 18. There is still time to conduct the survey within this window. The next window begins in January, 2012.