Think of the what was on the radio or television this morning? The clothes that you choose to wear? The food that you choose to eat? The signs that you drove passed on the way to school?
Marketing is a process which provides the link between producers or providers of goods and services and consumers. Another definition for you… Marketing is communication which provides the links between product, price place and promotion of goods and services to the consumer.
Goods – food, commodities, clothing and housing Services – airlines, hotels, car rental, hairdressers, accounts, doctors, solicitors Experiences – a visit to sea world, art gallery, museum, zoo, Universal Studios Events – Olympic Games, AFL Grand Final, Spring Racing Carnival, concerts Personalities – Famous people star in advertisements to promote products e.g. Reese Witherspoon in Avon Places – cities, states, countries (to attract tourism) Property – real estate agencies use marketing to sell properties both commercial and residential Organisations – corporate identity can be created to gain a better image e.g. Body Shop, Dick Smith, Richard Branson
MARKETING ORIENTATIONTIME FRAME Production orientation “if we can make it, it will sell” Industrial revolution to 1930’s Sales orientation1930’s to 1960’s Marketing department orientation1970’s to 1990’s Marketing company orientation1990’s to current
Production orientation focused on internal production issues like labour costs and efficient use of production capacity. Little attention is focused on external factors such as customer needs. Products are generally cheap and mass produced. Sales orientation focused on persuading existing and potential customers to purchase the goods or services currently produced by the organisation Aggressive advertising to sell products
Marketing department orientation Occurs when all marketing activities are brought under the control of one department to achieve the short-term plans and goals of the business. Marketing company orientation Occurs when all the organisation’s efforts are aimed in a coordinated and integrated manner, towards simultaneously satisfying its customers and achieving its own corporate goals.
The approach is based on the following: 1) Customer satisfaction is important 2) A total or integrated effort is required by the organisation 3) Setting of goals and objectives 4) Achievement of company objectives, incorporating profit/surplus and not only increased sales
Get into groups of three or four (mixed gender) Choose someone in your group to market. Come up with a product or service with a… Target Market And each of the four Ps (product, place, price and promotion).