Understanding Dyslexia Ros Lugg
Dyslexiaor Specific Learning Disability?
Other Specific Learning Disabilities ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) Dyspraxia Dyspraxia Dysphasia, speech/language delay or deficit Dysphasia, speech/language delay or deficit Dyscalculia Dyscalculia Autism/Aspergers Syndrome/Tourette Syndrome Autism/Aspergers Syndrome/Tourette Syndrome
Neurological and biological basis
Brain structure MRI scanning results MRI scanning results The planum temporale cortical language area, which is normally larger in the left hemisphere than in the right, is symmetrical in most dyslexics. The planum temporale cortical language area, which is normally larger in the left hemisphere than in the right, is symmetrical in most dyslexics.
The corpus callosum is physically less well developed in dyslexics than in non- dyslexics. The corpus callosum is physically less well developed in dyslexics than in non- dyslexics.
Nutritional aspects Dyslexics are less able to convert EFAs to myelin in the brain Dyslexics are less able to convert EFAs to myelin in the brain
Study found that: Mothers of children with dyslexia had consumed significantly less EFA while pregnant than mothers of non-dyslexic children. Mothers of children with dyslexia had consumed significantly less EFA while pregnant than mothers of non-dyslexic children.
Brain activation fMRI scanning results fMRI scanning results Dyslexics were scanned while doing a simple rhyming task. In normal readers, the left frontal cortex lit up, but this does not happen in dyslexics.
Graduate dyslexics study Well-compensated graduate dyslexics studied. Equivalent non-dyslexic control group Simple rhyming task
PET scan findings Both groups completed the tasks with no problem. Dyslexic group – very different pattern of brain activity: Less activity in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas and no activity at all in the insula
Conclusion A specific failure in that particular brain system connected with language persists into dyslexics’ adult lives, although their performance indicates that they were compensating well.
Effect of correct remediation Several studies have shown that brain activation patterns can be changed with the right remediation – even in adults. Several studies have shown that brain activation patterns can be changed with the right remediation – even in adults.
Current conclusions “The evidence is consistent with an increasingly sophisticated account of dyslexia that does not single out either phonological or visual or motor deficits. Rather, temporal processing in all three systems seems to be impaired. Dyslexics may be unable to process fast incoming sensory information adequately in any domain.” “The evidence is consistent with an increasingly sophisticated account of dyslexia that does not single out either phonological or visual or motor deficits. Rather, temporal processing in all three systems seems to be impaired. Dyslexics may be unable to process fast incoming sensory information adequately in any domain.”
Gene links Chromosome 6 (DCDC2) linked with dyslexia Chromosome 6 (DCDC2) linked with dyslexia Chromosome 15 (KIAA0319) also implicated Chromosome 15 (KIAA0319) also implicated Genetic abnormalities in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas (the main language areas in the left hemisphere) Genetic abnormalities in Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas (the main language areas in the left hemisphere)
Links with other conditions Left-handednessEczemaAllergiesSchizophreniaDyspraxiaADHD Glue ear Irlen Syndrome
Dyslexia and behaviour Internationally, 60 – 80% of prison populations are dyslexic Internationally, 60 – 80% of prison populations are dyslexic Dyslexia causes huge anxiety and self- esteem problems, particularly with brighter pupils. This magnifies behavioural issues at school age and beyond. Dyslexia causes huge anxiety and self- esteem problems, particularly with brighter pupils. This magnifies behavioural issues at school age and beyond.
Fallacies about dyslexia “He’s not ready for reading yet. Wait until he’s ready and he’ll be fine.” “He’s not ready for reading yet. Wait until he’s ready and he’ll be fine.” Dyslexia doesn’t exist. It’s just a middle- class parent’s excuse for a thick child.” Dyslexia doesn’t exist. It’s just a middle- class parent’s excuse for a thick child.”
Possible Indicators Obvious ‘good’ or ‘bad’ days with no reason Obvious ‘good’ or ‘bad’ days with no reason Confusion between directional words Confusion between directional words Difficulties with sequences, days, months, tables Difficulties with sequences, days, months, tables Family history Family history Discrepancy between oral and written language Discrepancy between oral and written language Reversals/mis-sequencing letters Reversals/mis-sequencing letters
Poor concentration Poor concentration Forgets or misunderstands instructions Forgets or misunderstands instructions Has difficulty understanding what has been read Has difficulty understanding what has been read Takes longer to do written work Takes longer to do written work Slow processor Slow processor Problems copying, particularly from the board Problems copying, particularly from the board Problems planning essays Problems planning essays
Poor confidence or self-esteem Poor confidence or self-esteem Poor social skills Poor social skills Can appear awkward or clumsy Can appear awkward or clumsy Very inconsistent abilities Very inconsistent abilities Unexpected difficulties with certain tasks Unexpected difficulties with certain tasks Sometimes tongue-tied Sometimes tongue-tied Anxious about answering questions in class Anxious about answering questions in class
Home and social implications Fatigue Fatigue Homework Homework Organisation Organisation Social isolation Social isolation
Famous dyslexics Alexander Graham Bell Nelson Rockefeller John Britten Henry Ford Thomas Edison Walt Disney Michael Faraday Cher Erin Brockovich John Lennon George Patton Auguste Rodin Orlando Bloom Nigel Kennedy Tom Cruise Henry Winkler
Whoopi Goldberg Jackie Stewart Susan Hampshire Muhammed Ali Keanu Reeves Thomas Jefferson Kiera Knightly Winston Churchill Oliver Reed J F Kennedy Robin Williams George Washington Leonardo da Vinci Agatha Christie Picasso W B Yeats Andy Warhol Terry Goodkind
Patterns of difficulty One feature of dyslexia is that there is no link between dyslexia and intelligence. One feature of dyslexia is that there is no link between dyslexia and intelligence. There are typical patterns, but huge variability between individual difficulties. There are typical patterns, but huge variability between individual difficulties.
Memory implications A non-dyslexic child takes between 4 and 10 exposures to a word to fix it in long- term memory. A non-dyslexic child takes between 4 and 10 exposures to a word to fix it in long- term memory. A dyslexic child can take anything between 500 and 1300 exposures. A dyslexic child can take anything between 500 and 1300 exposures. Therefore: teaching needs to incorporate huge amounts of ‘overlearning’ Therefore: teaching needs to incorporate huge amounts of ‘overlearning’
Common language problems Interpretation – very literal, don’t understand ‘figures of speech’ Interpretation – very literal, don’t understand ‘figures of speech’ Language of mathematics – “70% of dyslexics experience difficulty with number language words (sum, total, odd, take away)” Chasty 1985 Language of mathematics – “70% of dyslexics experience difficulty with number language words (sum, total, odd, take away)” Chasty 1985 Comprehension – reading and oral Comprehension – reading and oral
Dyslexic or low ability?
Low ability profile
Typical dyslexic profile
More extreme dyslexic profile – very able but indicators of dyspraxia
Dyslexic profile
Low ability profile
Low ability
Very able, but major perceptual difficulties
Assessment options Specialist assessment centres Specialist assessment centres SPELD SPELD Step by Step Centre Step by Step Centre Assessment software – available in schools Assessment software – available in schools