Re-envisioning Consumer Choice California’s Distributed Energy Future 2016 Conference March 17, 2016 Stephanie Wang, Senior Policy Attorney
Choose solar, electric vehicles “Choice” has baggage Examples: Choose solar, electric vehicles Let people plug in DERs anywhere on the grid
Choice is about technologies? New vision: Empower all consumers with tailored opportunities Enable groups and communities to express priorities and access benefits
People just want bill savings? New vision: People also care about clean air, health, comfort Communities care about resilience, local climate goals, local jobs
Consumers make bad decisions? New vision: Policies, incentives guide people’s decisions Need to incentivize consumers and communities to adopt complimentary grid solutions
Central planning is better? New vision: Plan for people, not power plants Plan to rely on policy-driven, consumer choices
New vision of consumer choice Choice is about empowering people and communities People and communities prioritize a diverse set of benefits Policies guide consumer decisions Planning should support and rely on policy-driven, consumer choices
Stephanie Wang Senior Policy Attorney Center for Sustainable Energy 415-659-9958