An electrician’s advice on keeping your house safe from electric fires According to statistics available from the national Fire Protection Association, the second most common cause of house fires is of electric origin and specifically has to do with fixed wiring; this is only preceded by lighting, lamps and bulbs. The truth of the matter is that majority of fire hazards related to electrical wiring are preventable to a very high degree; this is achieved by making sure that only qualified electricians are allowed to install and because most wires are always hidden, they are able to detect potential disasters during inspection before the risk becomes real.
An electrician’s advice on keeping your house safe from electric fires According to qualified electricians, any outlets or switches that are working correctly don’t produce any buzzing sounds nor should their cover plated feel warm or hot to touch. Any such occurrence should act as a warning that you have a faulty electrical appliance or that the wiring is defective inside that outlet or at worst, there is arcing between the appliance and the wire conductor. Any switches or charred outlets should be replaced immediately; while warm covers may be normal in dimmer switched and cover plates, in most cases it is a sign of trouble waiting to happen.
An electrician’s advice on keeping your house safe from electric fires Electricians also warn that when you receive even a mild sting or there is the slightest buzzing sensation when you touch the body of an electrical appliance, your first action should be to unplug it and have it inspected fast. The same should apply whenever there are bussing light fixtures. You should never ignore any odor of burning plastic at home; if for any reason you are unable to locate where the source of burning plastic is; the safest assumption to make is that it has an electric origin. Any electrical installation that gets damaged is always risky and any wiring that doesn’t have insulation is potentially life threatening.
An electrician’s advice on keeping your house safe from electric fires Nowadays, there is an entire generation that thrives in do-it-yourself projects such as those who us extension cords in the place of permanent wiring circuits; you can compare this with a person who uses a garden hose in the place of a water supply pipe. You need to be very careful when you discover any wiring connections that look dubious in your home. This is why it is important for anyone who buys a new home to call an electrician to come and do a thorough inspection for all the electrical systems in the home; an electrical systems inspection is recommended for all homes every 10 to 40 years. Most areas today have qualified commercial electrician and, as a result, finding one should not be such a hard task. However, the task of identifying on requires some sacrifice it terms of time to do proper research.commercial electrician
An electrician’s advice on keeping your house safe from electric fires Author's bio: This article is penned by Richard for 4 Over Electric. 4 Over Electric is a residential, commercial and industrial electrical contractor licensed in the state of California. In case you need a Santa Monica electrician or an electrician Glendale ca then just give them a call at (323) Santa Monica electrician