WG FBA Status Report Jerzy Dudzik IG Meeting, 12 th June 2007
2 Content New version of the Concept After Test Report on D process Y/M calculation test Farther steps
3 New version of the Concept Present status: - D processes verified by tests - Y/M processes to be verified by tests Important statement: Implementation of D process must be associated with the consistent approach adopted for Y/M processes! Lack of final approval by HLM
4 After Test Report on D process 6 cases calculated (peak hours, out of peak hours) Data sets of ABC and PTDF ready capacity allocation tests Main findings: - negative ABC values mainly as a result of NTC approach adopted for Y/M allocation (to be investigated) - big influence of individual TSO approach to the reliability margins on the ABC values
5 Trial Test , 03:30 Corrected
6 TSO approach to reliability margins Reliability Margins evaluation is a responsibility of individual TSO According to the agreed Concept the reliability margins should reflect the „unknown factors”: - FRM (the accuracy of model adopted for TBC calculation) - BFRM (the deviation of base flow due too external phenomena's) RMs are the main elements of TSO technical risk management (higher RMs lower risk of n-1 violation in the TSO grid) taking into account that: availability of redispatching is not guaranteed! Individual TSO strategy on RM must be explained (transparency)
7 Y/M calculation test New idea proposed by ELES: - introducing „combined border connections” CBC (for more borders) - evaluation of the effectiveness of CBC approach (by ELES with the support of other TSOs) - new problem: individual TSO responsibility vs. „group of TSOs” responsibility (one ABC value for more than one border) Worst cases for each border to be prepared by individual TSO More complicated Y/M allocation process must be accepted
8 Further steps To continue work on D process development (additional investigations, external consultants) To finish Y/M test calculations (WG FBA till the end of September) To make a final decision on Y/M/D approach for 2008 (HLM till the October)
9 Thank you for attention