Adult & Community Services Scrutiny Committee 28 January 2010 Personal Budgets: Putting the customer in control
2 What are Personal Budgets? A Personal Budget is the amount of money available from the council to meet customers’ needs. It is worked out for ongoing care and support once any immediate needs have been met. The customer is told how much money is available to plan with once they have completed a Needs Assessment Questionnaire (NAQ). Customers can plan how much choice and control they wish to take with the help from a friend, neighbour, social worker or other trusted person.
3 What options are available to the customer? Three options for managing a Personal Budget: 1. Customer decides to manage the money themselves with a Direct Payment. 2. ACS continues to provide care and support on the customer’s behalf Customer takes a ‘mix and match’ of options 1 and 2.
Before and after: a step by step guide OLD Assessment X Service Price = £ Allocation (ACS-Supported) Self-Assessment £ RAS Allocation Natural Support Paid Support NEW