Approaching mentoring as facilitation of Self-Directed Learning? Dr. Hanno Prins
“A model is an abstract representation of a process, a description of its structure or function. Models are useful because they help us understand how a process works” (Trenholm, 2011:22)
Some important Definitions: Corsini (2002:876) defines self- determination as: He defines self-development as: …and describes self-direction; self-determination and … self-discipline together as: “Control of personal behavior by internal convictions and decisions rather than external demands. Also known as self-direction”. “Growth or improvement of own qualities and abilities” “The control of personal impulses and desires; foregoing immediate satisfaction in favor of long-term goals.” also … “The earliest meaning of discipline” …related to developing internal locus of control Developing (Teacher) agency
Goleman (2002:138) describes self directed learning as… “…a process of intentionally developing or strengthening an aspect of who you are or who you want to be.”
Goleman (2002:139) refers to Boyatzis’s Theory of Self-Directed Learning - adapted to CPTD and Mentoring 1. My Ideal Self. Who I want to be? (An - Aspiring Teacher!) 2. My Real self. Who am I ? (IQMS type – Instruments or process – Teacher Role/s) My Strengths. Where ideal and real self overlap My gaps. Where ideal and real self differ 3. My Learning agenda: Building on my strengths while reducing gaps? (PDP/POE - SACE) 4. Me experimenting with new behavior, thought, and feeling (triangle: think- feel-do unit) Practicing the new behaviors and building new neural pathways through to mastery 5. Developing trusting relationships that help, support, and encourage each step in the process MENTORING (Process)
The 5 discoveries in the process: 1 st My Ideal self – who do I want to be? 2 nd My real self – who am I? what are my strengths and gaps? 3 rd My learning agenda – How can I build on my strengths while also reducing my gaps? 4 th – Experimenting with and practicing new behaviors, thoughts and feelings to the point of mastery (Think-feel-do) 5 th – Developing supportive and trusting relationships that make change possible.
Closing thoughts?
Once you see the wholes, you see the holes… Breakaway sessions
Owning Our Experience -
Analysis of themes – What do we need to keep in mind when thinking and working together?
Thinking & Working Together session (Views shared Jan 2015) Themes 1-3. Participants experienced: Communication and Collaboration …the importance of deliberate, clear and well thought out sending of messages coupled with good listening skills and sustaining focussed attention and asking for clarification when needed Planning and strategizing …the importance of proper planning and designing a strategy that has a high probability of success because it acknowledges the strengths and weaknesses of the individual team members and does not underestimate the task. Setting goals and having a common vision or understanding …the importance of setting clear goals and also communicating goals clearly so all team members have a clear vision of the task and how it will be approached.
Participants experienced … Themes 4-6: Leading and Following …the importance of being able to lead well but also acknowledge others as leaders and allow themselves to be lead and also be a good follower. Trust and Respect …trust and respect as critical for both leading and following. Being reliable and trustworthy as well as extending trust and respect to others. Allowing for Trial and Error learning …the importance of a process of trial and error, especially when engaging in new and novel tasks and learning new skills, concepts and attitudes
…Continued, theme 7-9: Persistence and Patience …the importance of being persistent by never giving up and being patient with development and growth of self as well as others. Acknowledging Strengths and Weaknesses the importance of acknowledging one’s own strengths and weakness as well as the strengths and weakness of others so the team can complement and support one another. Involvement and Reflection the importance of being engaged and involved by getting on with the task at hand but also realised the importance of standing back and critically evaluating a situation before engaging in it.
Participants shared that - “…when these things are in place, working together becomes easier.” My assertion is that adhering to these principles are – Facilitative, while ignoring them becomes - Inhibiting Communication and Collaboration Planning and strategizing Setting goals and having a common vision or understanding Leading and Following Trust and Respect Allowing for Trial and Error learning Persistence and Patience Acknowledging Strengths and Weaknesses Involvement and Reflection
Creating conditions facilitative of collaborative and Self-directed learning. Rogers - (1951) conditions of CARE. As described by Corsini (2002:191). CC AA RR EE Communicated Authenticity Respect & Empathy
Rogers (1951:392) “If teachers accept students as they are. Allow them to express their feelings and attitudes freely without condemnation or judgment, plan learning activities with them rather than for them, create a classroom atmosphere relatively free from emotional strains and tensions, consequences follow which are different from when these conditions do not exist. The consequences, on present evidence, seem to be in the direction of democratic objectives. It is apparent that the above conditions can be achieved in more than one way – that the climate for self directed learning by students is not the result of only one kind of practice”
Pair and share How can I help to create the conditions for self-directed learning in my school/mentoring program? (Task - no.1&2’s)