Allusion A reference to a statement, person, place, event, or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, myth, politics, sports, science, or pop culture. A reference to a statement, person, place, event, or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, myth, politics, sports, science, or pop culture.
Apostrophe A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent or dead person, or abstract quality, or something non-human as if it were present and capable of responding. A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent or dead person, or abstract quality, or something non-human as if it were present and capable of responding.
Ballad A song or song-like poem that tells a story. A song or song-like poem that tells a story.
Carpe Diem A Latin phrase that literally means “sieze the day!”; that is, to make the most of present opportunities. A Latin phrase that literally means “sieze the day!”; that is, to make the most of present opportunities.
Conceit A fanciful and elaborate figure of speech that makes a surprising connection between two seemingly dissimilar things. A fanciful and elaborate figure of speech that makes a surprising connection between two seemingly dissimilar things.
Connotation and Denotation Connotation: All the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests. Connotation: All the meanings, associations, or emotions that a word suggests. Denotation: the literal, dictionary definition of a word. Denotation: the literal, dictionary definition of a word. Ex. “night”: Denotation = P.M.; Connotation = dangerous, death, depressing, gloomy, etc. Ex. “night”: Denotation = P.M.; Connotation = dangerous, death, depressing, gloomy, etc.
Dialect A way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people. A way of speaking that is characteristic of a particular region or group of people.
Dramatic Monologue A poem in which a character addresses one or more listeners who remain silent or whose replies are not revealed. A poem in which a character addresses one or more listeners who remain silent or whose replies are not revealed.
Elegy A poem that mourns the death of a person or laments something lost. A poem that mourns the death of a person or laments something lost.
Epiphany A moment of sudden realization or insight experienced by a character in a literary work. A moment of sudden realization or insight experienced by a character in a literary work.
Epithet An adjective or other descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing. An adjective or other descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing.
Irony A contrast or discrepancy between expectations and reality – between what is said and what is really meant, between what is expected and what really occurs, or between what appears to be true and what really is true. A contrast or discrepancy between expectations and reality – between what is said and what is really meant, between what is expected and what really occurs, or between what appears to be true and what really is true.
Paradox Two docks Two docks Just kidding. Actually, it’s an apparent contradiction that is actually true in some way. Just kidding. Actually, it’s an apparent contradiction that is actually true in some way.
Personification A kind of metaphor in which a non-human thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. A kind of metaphor in which a non-human thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. Her heart cried out. Her heart cried out. Beauty hid from the girl. Beauty hid from the girl. Death, be not proud. Death, be not proud. The wicked wind whistled and moaned. The wicked wind whistled and moaned.
Satire A kind of writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reform. A kind of writing that ridicules human weakness, vice, or folly in order to bring about social reform.
Soliloquy A long speech in which a character who is usually alone on stage expresses his or her inner feelings. A long speech in which a character who is usually alone on stage expresses his or her inner feelings.
Style A writer’s typical way of writing. Style includes, but is not limited to, word choice, degree of formality, grammatical structure, sentence length, and use of figurative language. A writer’s typical way of writing. Style includes, but is not limited to, word choice, degree of formality, grammatical structure, sentence length, and use of figurative language.
Symbol A person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself. A person, place, thing, or event that stands for itself and for something beyond itself. Cross = Christianity Cross = Christianity Swastika = Nazism Swastika = Nazism Donkey and elephant = political parties Donkey and elephant = political parties
Tone The attitude a writer takes toward the reader, a subject, or a character. The attitude a writer takes toward the reader, a subject, or a character.
Literary Terms (Alternate Assignment) For each literary term provide the following (minimum of 10): For each literary term provide the following (minimum of 10): –Definition of the Literary Term –Song Title/Artist –Lyrics that qualify the song for that literary term –Explanation of the connection - For all others make sure you have the definition and answer the questions for the song provided.