STATION ONE: Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Audience Station one will be set up as a “hands-on” classroom station. I will have desks set up, as well as a Smart Board, multiple computers, touch screen computers, and iPads set up for all to try. I will also have multiple signs that say “Please Try Me” attendees that they are welcome to try all devices. to inform
Station One: Information Universal Design for Learning (UDL) “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that provides all students equal opportunities to learn. It encourages teachers to design flexible curricula that meet the needs of all learners.” (National Center on Universal Design for Learning, n.d.). Multiple Means of Representation Multiple Means of Action and Expression Multiple Means of Engagement “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has three principles that serve as the core components:
Demonstrate In order to get a deeper understanding of UDL and how it works, the attendees must be able to understand it step-by-step. Therefore, I will provide my own UDL Lesson Plan for them to review. I will show my lesson plan on the Smart Board to ensure that all of the attendees are able to view it. Here is the link to my lesson plan:
Differentiation *“UDL improves educational outcomes for ALL students by ensuring meaningful access to the curriculum within an inclusive learning environment” (National Center on Universal Design for Learning, n.d.). *Provides learner autonomy. *Provides flexibility and options. *“UDL curriculum reduces barriers as well as optimizes the level of challenges and supports to meet the needs of learners from the start” (National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum, P.13, 2004). Impact UDL has on Teaching Due to the flexibility of the curricula, the teacher is able to customize the lesson plan in order to meet the needs of each student. UDL decreases the need to make accommodations for students, which in turn, allows teachers more time to spend on guiding, coaching, and assisting students. Impact UDL has on Learning
Differentiation Continued UDL and Differentiation Incorporating UDL principles into the classroom enhances learning by providing differentiated learning opportunities. “Differentiated instruction is an approach that assumes there is a diversity of learners in every classroom and that all of those learners can be reached if a variety of methods and activities are used”(, n.d.). Differentiation and UDL go hand-in-hand. When both are implemented into the lesson, students are given a greater opportunity of academic achievement.
Interaction Attendees will be able to test out the devices and programs that are being utilized in current classes. Attendees will be asked to partake in a few simple, yet fun activities that demonstrate why these devices and programs are extremely beneficial to all learners. Allowing the attendees to try out the devices and programs will allow them to see just how important it is to implement technology into our classrooms. This will spark their interest and will make them yearn to learn more. The attendees will also be able to see how UDL and differentiation work first hand, which will allow them to understand why technology is needed in the classrooms and will allow them to appreciate it as well.
STATION TWO: Technology and UDL for All Mission, Belief, and Goals Belief Statement Fonda-Fultonville Central School District believes that being knowledgeable in technology is imperative for students and teachers to thrive in academics, as well as our evolving economy. Mission Statement Fonda-Fultonville Central School District will integrate technology into all of our classrooms in order to provide equal learning opportunities to every student. Implementing technology will create confident, eager, and motivated students, which will promote academic achievement and mastery of the essential 21 st Century skills, which are imperative for all to thrive in life and career.
Mission, Belief, and Goals Continued Goals 1.) To create technology fluent, responsible, and respectful students and teachers. 2.) To ensure each student and teacher has access to technology in each classroom. 3.) To increase student academic achievement by implementing technology in the classrooms.
Course and Program Offerings 1.)Learning with iPads-Pre-K-K 2.)Introducing the Keyboard-1 st Grade 3.) Integrating technology in Math and ELA-3 rd Grade 4.)Internet Safety-4 th & 5 th Grade 5.)Keyboarding-7 th Grade 6.) Spanish Abroad-9 th -12 th Grade 7.) Learning Abroad-12 th Grade 8.)Computer Information Technology and Networking-10 th -12 th Grade (HFM Boces, n.d.)
STATION Three: 21 ST Century Skills Acquisition and Employability Technology and 21 st Century Skills Spanish Abroad-9 th -12 th Grade Skills gained in each of the four 21 st Century outcomes Content Knowledge and 21 st Century Theme Mastery of World Languages and History Learning and Innovation Skills Communication and Collaboration Skills Information, Media and Technology Skills Information, Media and Technology Skills (Mastery of the computer, iPad, and Smart Board, fluent in online research and an array of media) Life and Career Skills Social and Cross-Cultural Skills (Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, n.d.)
Technology and 21 st Century Skills Continued “Address safe and respectful use of computers, iPads, Smart Boards and webpages and will continuously review the safety procedures. Review effective ways to perform research on technological devises. Teach students how to effectively communicate the information obtained, with peers and students abroad. Teach students how to effectively and safely access, manage, integrate, evaluate, and create information to be used in social networks and when communicating or networking with peers around the world” (Partnership for 21 st Century Skills, n.d.). At the beginning of this course, the teacher will: These safety procedures and skills are thoroughly gone over by the teacher in order to teach students how to safely and effectively utilize the technological device and the internet, which will produce academic achievement and will support future employability.
TOOLS SKYPE Skype allows students and teachers to: Connect with other educators and classrooms around the world. Take virtual field trips. Collaborate and communicate with individuals around the world. Learn about the culture and history of other Countries.(Microsoft Education, 2015). Skype is a wonderful tech tool that will be utilized in our middle and high school classrooms.
Interaction Attendees will get an overview of Skype and will be able to try it out. This would spark the attendees’ interest and would allow them to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding for why it is essential in today’s classrooms to utilize these tools.
New Technology How our school, students, and teachers would benefit from upgraded technology: Each student would have access to multiple technological devices everyday. Utilizing technology will aid in mastering essential 21 st Century Skills, necessary to thrive in school, life and career. Our students would obtain a higher rate of academic achievement. “Teachers would be provided new ways to meet the needs of all of their students and assess their students using multiple means” (Edutopia, 2008).
References (n.d.) Retrieved from (n.d.) Retrieved from CAST. (2011). [Picture File]. Retrieved from (n.d.) A teachers guide to differentiating instruction. Retrieved from * Edutopia. (2008, March 16). Why Integrate Technology into the Curriculum?: The Reasons Are Many. Retrieved from Edyburn, D. L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieveInclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success academic success. Retrieved from HFM Boces. (n.d.) Career and Technical Education. Retrieved from
National Center on Accessing the General Curriculum. (2004). Retrieved from doc National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (n.d.). Q & A for Educators. Retrieved from Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.) Framework for 21st Century Learning. Retrieved fromFramework for 21st Century Learning * Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (n.d.) ICT Literacy. Retrieved from Literacyhttp:// us/p21-framework/350 Picture. (n.d.). Retrieved from Skype. (2015). Microsoft Education. Retrieved from References Continued