Smart City As Unified Multi-tier IoT Solution
Increased Smart City IQ Generation 1: local management systems (e.g. traffic lights synchronization) Generation 2: vertical scaling of management systems (e.g. situation center for traffic control) Generation 3: integrated citywide systems (e.g. automatically providing a green corridor for emergency vehicles) Generation 4: unified system development by city councils and citizens (e.g. automatic excessive energy sales from households to utility line) - 2 -
What Has Industrial IoT to Do with It? Smart city is a perfect playground where diverse “things” can intercommunicate now Technically, Industrial IoT is generally associated with new physical layer transmission standards (e.g. LPWA) and new protocols (e.g. MQTT) None of these is revolutionary, it’s logical technological evolution Machine Learning is expected to have game- changing potential - 3 -
Smart City As IoT System On the object level, there is nothing out of the ordinary: “things” are controllers with sensors and end devices connected to those controllers On a higher level, whole systems become “things” (e.g. traffic control system can receive orders from the Public Safety Answering Point for providing a green corridor) Tasks carried out by “things” get a great deal more complicated as structured data exchange is required - 4 -
Example: Engineering Systems Monitoring (ESM) Object level. In fact, it’s a simple SCADA system with strictly typed incidents (alerts). Regional level. On this level, every critical object and its local ESM system are “things”. Federal level. In this case, a «thing» is a whole region and its regional ESM system
Problem of Implementing Standards in Russia Vital IoT problem in Russia is frequent disregard of foreign standards and the best world practices Example: CAP (Common Alerting Protocol) is widely used around the globe for warning various municipal services of natural disasters and man-caused emergencies CAP allows governmental services to exchange information immediately, e.g., in case of tsunami or terror threats CAP isn’t applicable for ESM systems, which causes technical complexity of using new systems as object-level ESM The problem is relevant not only to Russia. Lack of interoperability or standards is the first reason why Industrial Internet development is suppressed (Industrial Internet of Things: Unleashing the Potential of Connected Products and Services, Accenture, Industry Agenda of the World Economic Forum, 2015)
Unified Smart City: Architecture Level 1 “thing”: local building system controller (e.g. access control or Wi-Fi networks) and local autonomous system controller (e.g. traffic lights on the square) Level 2 “thing”: controlling server and building monitoring server (e.g. disabling ventilation and unlocking turnstiles upon receipt of security and fire alarm system signals) Level 3 “thing”: Electronic Public Utilities Service Provider server (serviced by an operator, it collects data on active incidents from building servers and creates repair requests) Level 4 “thing”: regional situation center server coordinating work of municipal and administration company systems
Urban IoT Definition: communication infrastructure providing unified, easy, and effective way of accessing multiple public services.* Aims: Increase the comfort level in urban environment Improve economic indicators of Smart City systems Implementation area: any services related to physical assets. * Internet of Things for Smart Cities, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1, February 2014
Urban IoT Segments Building Integrity Monitoring Waste Management Intelligent Traffic Control Air Quality Monitoring Noise Level Monitoring Power Supply for Municipal Facilities Parking Space Management Smart Lighting Municipal Building Automation
Smart and Safe City. What’s the Difference? Brief answer: no difference Safe City is one of the development branches, such as, for instance, Green (energy-efficient) City Safe City systems exchange data with all other Smart City systems Multiple systems serve several duties (e.g., traffic surveillance system)