Innovative IoT Use Cases Tim Ebner, Frank Steiler, Matthias Meissler
UC 1: Smart Home with Augmented Reality Control your Smart Home with Augmented Reality Get live sensor data displayed on your augmented reality device Possible devices are Microsoft Hololens or alternatively a tablet Control your devices remote with natural hand motions The Hololens knows at which device your look and and tracks your hand motions Scenario: Bob wakes up at the morning in his bed. He wants to open his roller shutter and start the coffee maker. But Bob is hung over. Bob is lucky because he has the new Microsoft Hololens and a Smart Home. He just puts on his glasses and opens his roller shutter with a “Star Wars”-like hand movement. After that he looks to the kitchen and turns on the coffee maker with another hand movement. 2
UC 2: Diagramm 3
UC 2: Intelligent personalized Home Your Smart Home knows who of your family enters a room and acts in your favorite way Examples: If you enter the living room. The ambi-light shines in your favorite color, the Beamer and the Playstation turns on and the window shutter goes down. If you enter your apartment, your favorite music genre turns on, the air conditioner switches to your favorite temperature and your alarm system turns off. 4
UC 2: Technical design Every resident wears a RFID-Chip RFID Scanner in the doorframes Connected devices with the home 5
UC 3: Current Enterprise Architecture in an manufacturing company 6 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Production Process ERP Manufacutring Execution System Human-Machine-Interface Supervisiory Control and Data Aquisition Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Actuator and Sensor In-/Output Data Signal Topfloor Plant Level Process Control Level Control Level Process Level Shopfloor PlanningData Flow Based on Prof. Armin Roth, Einführung in das Thema Industrie 4.0 ( ) and Thomas Stark Daimler AG, MO-TF/VFT, Digitale Transformation Industrie Daimler ( ), Several Graphic Sources both at Herbstseminar Wirtschaftsinformatik from Reutlingen University
UC 3: Vision for automated provisioning with TOSCA in a manufacturing company 7 Level 5 Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Level 0 Production Process ERP Manufacutring Execution System Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Actuator and Sensor In-/Output Data Signal Automated provisioning of PLC, actuators and sensors
UC 3: Vision for automated provisioning with TOSCA in a manufacturing company The aim is to automated provision all the PLC on a short term basis. On a long term basis directly the actors and sensors should be provisioned, to gather even more data and directly control the machines The advantage is, that the automated provisioning saves a lot of work during the ramp up of a production and maintenance, as the provisioning does not have to be performed manually Today production changes need a lot of effort and time, due to the inflexible software environment and the manual change of the PLC, actors and sensors. If the devise could be provisioned automatically with the new production program, the production could change faster and would be more flexible 8
UC 4: Large Scale Smart Lights Installation This use case tries to show the capabilities of our “Plug-n-Play” IoT solution Scenario: A large organization (e.g. university) would like to equip every room with Smart Lights & Motion Sensors in order to optimize power consumption Problems: Manual installation & configuration of thousands of devices currently very hard Solution: Register every device at a central point, install them at their physical location and let the configuration be done automatically by OpenTOSCA 9
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