Implications of UK vote to leave the EU on Adult Social Care Strategic Headlines for the Adult Social Care Sector.
Workforce Older and Disabled People and their carers Funding Costs Development Core Issues for Discussion
Community Cohesion Continuity of provision of ongoing safe and quality care Providing clarity where possible Being careful not to fuel anxieties Gathering evidence for future discussions – making sure we ask the right questions Overarching Themes
There is a need for strong positive leadership Clear message about the value of all staff Recognise the challenges to recruitment and retention – immediate and longer term Be clear about existing and ongoing rights of the workforce Provide a positive image from the workforce upwards – empower staff and residents Workforce – Immediate Actions
What are the questions that we need answers to? Workforce is Locally driven? But national skill shortages? Shortage Occupation Lists and adult social care? How might workers rights be affected? Using evidence to contribute to local workforce planning and market shaping activities Workforce – Future Actions
There is a need for strong and positive leadership Show EU residents and services users that they are valued - Walk in their shoes Recognise the potential challenges for self funders Integration agenda becomes more challenging Provide clarity on existing rights of EU residents and service users Provide a positive image – empowerment Older and Disabled People and their Carers – Immediate Actions
Ensure that service user, resident and relative voices are heard Recognise the significance of existing reciprocal care arrangements Emphasise the importance of existing engagement in European Disability strategy, accessing the European Social Fund Older and Disabled People and their Carers – Future Actions
Further constriction on funding will hit an already under pressure sector CLG select committee calling for evidence on funding Inflationary increases in non staff related items Increased costs of recruitment Alternative funding sources may be hard hit. Government policy on non EU issues may stall or change Funding and Costs
Development based around international investment may falter during uncertainty Shortages in other industries resulting from similar workforce threats may slow development or increase costs – ie building Uncertainty around ongoing revenue funding for services may lead to developments ‘mothballed’ Development in Adult Social Care
Take part in a visual campaign to demonstrate united and diverse workforce & residents –#unitedwecare Reinforce positive messages about the value of diverse workforce and residents Use this presentation to raise issues with boards and engage in national/local debates with MPs and others Submit evidence to CLG select committee inquiry – Deadline 19 th August 2016 Submit workforce data to NMDS-SC Immediate Actions for Providers
Respond to sector bodies request for robust evidence which will focus on the following areas:- Key questions staff or residents are asking about entitlement/rights Evidence of impact on workforce in relation to retention or recruitment pipelines Evidence of impact on development, funding or rising costs Provide case studies Action for Providers - Evidence
Vic Rayner Executive Director National Care @vicrayner