Thierion V. Ayral P.-A. Flash Floods Applications 2 nd Training Worshop Chania, Greece 5 - 7 May 2008.


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Presentation transcript:

Thierion V. Ayral P.-A. Flash Floods Applications 2 nd Training Worshop Chania, Greece May 2008

2 Outline Is grid technology adapted to Civil Protection functioning such as Flash Flood crisis management ? Introduction: Flash flood crisis management context Part I : Technological and organizational existing Part II : Civil Protection requirements Part III : In progress developments and researches Conclusion: Research perspectives - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

3 "Episode Cévenols" phenomena - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

4 The 8 & 9 September An extreme flash flood Rainfall cumul situation 1.Rapid phenomena 2.Important rainfall 3.Large extent  High spatial variability for rainfall  Many different hydrologic situations to modelize  Need of multi-models approach  Need of multi-partners organization D6 - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

- Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion 5 Le Pont d’Auzon The 8 & 9 September An extreme flash flood

- Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion 6 Le Pont de Ners The 8 & 9 September An extreme flash flood

- Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion 7 Sommières The 8 & 9 September An extreme flash flood

8 CIVIL PROTECTION Organization The 8 & 9 September An extreme flash flood - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

9 Flash Flood Crisis organization Multi-scales Organization Multi-partners organization Flash Flood Forecasting Service : Cyclops use-case D8 - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion D9

10 Grand Delta Flood Forecasting Service (SPC-GD) Objectives: - Better knowledge on watersheds functioning - Work in collaboration with hydrological central service (SCHAPI) - Better anticipation and spatialization of hydrological hazards - Flood forecasting and monitoring in real-time D9 - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

sensors (Rainfall and water level gauges) - Radar observation system (Meteo-France) - Hydrological experts - SCHAPI collaboration (informal) - Information system (Information-oriented) Means : Grand Delta Flood Forecasting Service (SPC-GD) D9 - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

12 SPC-GD Information system D9 - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

13 ALHTAÏR Hydrological modelling : Rainfall-Runoff model - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

14 – up-to-date information on rainfall and hydrological phenomena, – an integration and mutualization of all observation networks necessary to flood management and accessible by every crisis management actor, – a simplification of hydrological report creation and diffusion, – an optimization of models results to really assist forecasters, – a better reliability in raw data retrieving and managing to ease models data input, – the use of geospatial data and geomatic tools to manage crisis and to precisely evaluate damage states in real-time and spatialize hydrological phenomena Lessons learnt from past events D11 - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requir. - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

15 Civil Protection Requirements D11 1.Functional requirements – Geospatial information access and publishing – Authentification and Authorization – Files replica – Higher resolution processing 2. Non-functional requirements – Computational power – Time of response / Bandwidth – Quality of service negotiation – Interoperability – Storage capacities Main WP 3 results - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requir. - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requir. - Grid Adoption - Conclusion Flash Flood use-case issue Grid Technology  Flash-Flood use-case Modelling Issues ICT Issues 1.Calibration models in prevention phase 2.Monitoring and forecasting large-scale hydrological situation in crisis phase 3.Design a real-time hydrological modelling platform for inter-comparison 1.Improve interoperability among crisis management actors 2.The use of standards spatial services 3.Integrate the whole of data and information for lessons learnt process

17 Thanks for your Attention

Thierion V. Ayral P.-A. Flash Floods Applications Porting Strategy 2 nd Training Worshop Chania, Greece May 2008

19 CP Requirements towards SPC-GD new functioning UML use-cases diagram for SPC-GD new functioning - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

20 A new Worflow for Grid technology adoption - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

21 UML activity diagram - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion Grid task implementation for: -Modelling -Calibration -Sensitivity

22 Measuring stations Network Radar imagery (Météo-France) Rainfall-Runoff model Alhtaïr Grand Delta Flood Forecasting Service + Modelling improvements 1.The calibration and sensitivity tests during hydrological event or in prevention stage to respectively improve modelling performances and assess models effectiveness in real-time, 2.the simultaneous watersheds modellings, in using one grid job submission per watershed-model couple, 3.the sub-watershed modelling thanks to parallelization process potentially permitting a better run-off spatialization - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

23 Modelling improvements Object-oriented Python algorithm execution thanks to JDL language 1.Task parallelization : a job submission per watershed and per model 2. Algorithm parallelization : - a production step (non parallelization) - a transfert step (1 job for 1 transfert time threshold) ALHTAÏR algorithm simple porting (DAG and collection jobs) as grid tasks The main (model) component implementation : - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

24 A new Worflow for Grid technology adoption - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

25 Data-processing improvements 1.Web Coverage Service (WCS) to wrap calibrated radar images already stored in standard format (NetCDF) 2.Web Processing Service (WPS) to manage Grid processing in - "activating various independent data access services", - "distributing an adequate number of jobs on the grid", - "being responsible for the execution of the ALHTAÏR algorithm" G.RISICO OWS Grid implementation experience : The final objective is the design of Flash Flood Spatial Decision Support System implemented on Grid platform to ease and integrate hydrological expertise among flood hazard experts and to broadcast it to the overall partners involved in the crisis management, enabling a more integrated communication. - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

Data Acquisition Network (DDE) 26 Calibrated radar (.dat)‏ 1 km x 1km Limnimetric / pluviometric data (.xml)‏ Watersheds (.grd)‏ netCDF3 convention (CF-1.0)‏ EGEE Grid Environment WCS WPS ALHTAÏR Grid tasks execution Hydrographs retrieving SPC-GD Local Environment WMS Geospatial data serving on Web

27 Mediterranean sea Spatial DSS One of territories modelised with AHLTAÏR X 10 Zones X 170 stations and 20 watersheds - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion

28 Future rearches 1.Hydrological issue Calibration and Sensitivity Multi-models platform designing (SCS, Neural Networks) Use of Message Passing Interface Geoprocessing tasks (Rainfall accumulation,…) Sensors data grid integration 2.ICT issue Civil Protection operations (OWS) GPS data grid integration Geoprocessing tasks - Outline - Flash-Flood - Existing System - CP Requirements - Grid Adoption - Conclusion