IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Task 2.3 Operations Report Pedro Henrique Rausch Bello Leader of Task 2.3 Instituto de Física - UFRJ Second Latin American EELA Workshop Itacuruçá,
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Task 2.3 Status – WS1 Pilot Testbed Operational (7 sites) Started implementation of User Support System UFRJ Roc Site Running LCG 2.7 Monitoring tools setup
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, EU-LAC Meeting April 28 – 29, right after WS1 EELA set up a demonstration in RedCLARA’s stand Demonstrations were conducted for several people
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Pilot Testbed Status during WS1 Plus: INFN Catania: CE + SE + WNs
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Pilot Testbed Present Status (1) Plus: INFN Catania: CE + SE + WNs UNAM – testing phase done – Being integrated to the production service REUNA – User Interface
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Pilot Testbed Present Status (2) From the last slide we see the integration of new sites is very slow WHY? CEDERJ has peculiar characteristics CSIC is undergoing a major facility relocation. Integration is expected to begin in two weeks UDEC has issues with the OS needed by the middleware UNAM was slow to begin the integration process (two months between first contact and actual start of work)
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Resource Centre Integration SiteMiddlewareVersionDate of integrationPerson in chargeContact Online UFRJLCG Pedro RauschYES UFFLCG Vinod RebelloYES CIEMATLCG Fernando Blanco UPVLCG Ignacio Blanquer CSIC Daniel Cano ULAgLite Vanessa HamarYES UNAMLCG Luciano DiazYES UDEC Claudio Baeza REUNAgLite (UI) Juan Carlos MartinezYES CEDERJ Maurício Gouvêa UNLP SENAHMI UTFSM CUBAENERGIA LIP CERN UC
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, RC Integration Process (1) The Procedure for integration of a new RC is simple: 1.The Site manager contacts the Task 2.3 Leader (Pedro Rausch – announcing the desire to integrate his 2.The following information MUST be sent: Description of Hardware Resources Network Address (not individual hosts!!) If the site is willing to run jobs from VOs other than EELA (such as HEP and BIOMED) 3.T2.3 Leader sends a proposed installation plan – in the case of new sites, or an acceptance notice for inclusion in the case of already running sites
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, RC Integration Process (2) 4.After installation, the site undergoes a testing phase, which lasts for up to two weeks 5.After test validation the site is considered part of the Pilot Testbed
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, User Support System Fully operational – Enlisted support personnel is urged to check it regularly
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Middleware Upgrade Plan All EELA dedicated RCs are expected to upgrade to gLite 3.0 in the following months First, UFRJ and CIEMAT will maintain both infrastructures for as long as necessary Running sites will receive notification when the Testbed is ready for site migration REUNA (UI) and ULA are already running gLite 3.0
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, LHCb Integration Status LHCb is able to run production jobs both at CIEMAT and UFRJ Additional sites can be added without effort
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, ALICE Integration Status ALICE integration depends on the installation of VO- BOXes Currently INFN-CATANIA is able to run production jobs EELA-UNAM is in the process of installing a VO-BOX
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Security (1) WP2 management is setting up the Security Body Task 2.3 Leader has been nominated Security Officer Pro-Tempore We are currently searching for the definitive subject
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Security (2) Site level security is a difficult subject Trying to define a minimum denominator We have to profit from the size of the pilot Testbed, and the well known relationship between sites Some sort of automation is in the works
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Monitoring (1) Currently running tools: –GridICE –GSTAT –Real Time Monitor Waiting deployment: –Site Functional Tests
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Monitoring (2) WP2 needs to set up a distributed monitoring team in order to alleviate some sites and provide a larger time coverage – Grid Operator on Duty Will begin searching for candidates soon
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, EELA Middleware – Description Consists of all additions to standard middleware + EELA specific applications Provides a well defined release schedule, facilitating RC planning Assures that software installed is installed on sites in a homogeneous manner
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, EELA Middleware – Planning Quarterly releases –M7, M10, M13, M16, M19, M22, “M25” Software candidate for inclusion must be presented to the WP2 and WP3 Managers, and to Task 2.3 Leader on the first month of the previous trimester; Will be installed immediately on a Pre-production site After testing, will be included on the next middleware release
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, EELA Pre-Production Testbed A pre-production service will be deployed on selected sites This service will be used for the testing of applications candidate for inclusion on EELA’s middleware releases
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Operations Meeting Task 2.3 needs to set up an operations meeting with ALL personnel responsible for the running of EELA Resource Centres SKYPE will be used as communication media Small individual meetings every other week Group meetings as needs dictate
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Mailing Lists Resource Centre personnel must subscribe to: allmembers; wp2; task2.3; grid-prod; Do’t forget this one!!!!
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Task 2.3 Action Review (1) Task 2.3 Actively participated in the preparation of the EELA Grid Acceptable Use Policy (EELA GAUP) Input and writing of relevant sections of Deliverable (Project Execution Plan) – Everyone involved in WP2 MUST read this document!! Soon available at: Input for Deliverable (Network Requirements Report) Installation of User Interface in REUNA
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Task 2.3 Action Review (2) Upgrade to gLite 3.0 in ULA – Lots of work!! (Thanks to Vanessa for her patience and hard work) Installation of UNAM Resource Centre (Going into production) First Interactions with CEDERJ, CSIC and UNLP Security and Monitoring procedures definition Planning of day-to-day operational procedures (in progress)
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Open Issues in Task 2.3 Low engagement from partners (with exceptions) Resource Centre integration is very slow: –No previous knowledge –Depends on a handful of people –More engagement would alleviate things
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Partner Resource Commitment As stated by Roberto Barbera and Diego Carvalho, we are still a long way from the promised Testbed commitment A stronger engagement is needed in order to achieve what’s promised in the Technical Annex
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Work plan until WS3 Integration of resource centres will continue Security –Deployment of Security Staff –Definition of security procedures Monitoring –Definition of monitoring team –Deployment of Site Functional Tests First release of EELA middleware
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Work plan from WS3 to M13 Integration of resource centres will continue Security –Deployment of security procedures Monitoring –Refinement of monitoring procedures EELA middleware releases Preparation of deliverables D2.3.1 and D2.3.3
IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Itacuruçá, 2 nd LA EELA Workshop, Thanks All Resource Centre personnel –Fernando Blanco (CIEMAT) –Vanessa Hamar (ULA) –Everybody at INFN-Catania The TEB