Blue + Gold = Green Jamal Collins Student Financial Support University of California, Office of the President Keeping Education Within Reach
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 “California’s Upward-Mobility Machine” The New York Times, September 16, 2015 UC is affordable
The Real Cost of Attending UC Blue + Gold = Green Keeping Education Within Reach
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Average UC Cost of Attendance for
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 NET COST is the key to comparing different college prices. Net Cost
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Estimated Net Cost for Student with Family Income of $100,000
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Estimated Net Cost for Student with Family Income of $60,000
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Estimated Net Cost for Student with Family Income of $20,000
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Estimated Net Cost UC by Family Income Family Income Level UC $20,000 $9,700 $40,000 $10,300 $60,000 $14,200 $80,000 $18,300 $100,000 $28,700 Total COA $34,200
Financing a UC Education Blue + Gold = Green Keeping Education Within Reach
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Financing a UC education is a partnership between the student, his or her parents and UC.
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Financing partnership: Parents are asked to contribute based on their financial resources Students are asked to contribute by working part-time and borrowing UC coordinates federal, state, and University resources to meet the rest
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 SAMPLE FINANCING PLANS (On-Campus) Estimated cost (living on campus): $34,200 Independent student $20,000 $40,000*$60,000* $80,000*$100,000* $120,000* *Could be eligible for the American Opportunity Tax Credit Student Contribution Parent Contribution Gift Aid
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Parents Based on income & assets and other info on the FAFSA or the California Dream Act Application Custodial parent(s) for dependent students under age 24 Paid through savings, current income, or federal parent loans (PLUS) May be $0 for low-income families.
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Students: Part-time Work Part-time (< 20 hrs/wk) while enrolled Full-time when not enrolled Job placement assistance is available Not necessarily work-study or UC employment
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Freshman: Average Loans by Income Percent Borrowing (UC) National Average
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Transfer: Average Loans by Income Percent Borrowing (UC)
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 UC The Blue + Gold provides a minimum promise of grant money for qualifying students. UC pulls together federal, state, and university grant funding The Middle Class Scholarship for CA undergraduate Scholarship for CA undergraduates Eligible students from families with incomes and assets up to $156,000
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Blue + Gold Opportunity Plan California students whose families make under $80,000 and who are financial aid eligible will pay no systemwide tuition and fees ($12,294 for the year)
Financial Aid Application Process Blue + Gold = Green Keeping Education Within Reach
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE FAFSA/CA Dream Act Application Updates Apply EARLY Fall 2017 applicants can file FAFSA/CA Dream Act Application starting in Oct 2016 Applicants can apply for admissions and financial aid at the same time Using EXACT income data Will use 2015 income data No need to estimate data It is EASY to complete Transfer tax information with the click of a button using the IRS Data Retrieval Tool (Not available for CA Dream Act App) Reduces error rates on the FAFSA
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE FAFSA/CA Dream Act Application Updates Priority Deadline remains MARCH 2, 2017 FAFSA/CA Dream Act Application, GPA Verification Form UC Institutional Aid, Cal Grant; UC financial aid offers will be provided after students has been admitted Freshman admits typically receive notices in late March Transfer admits typically receive notices in late April CSAC may notify early applicants of Cal Grant eligibility
Financial Assistance for Specific Populations Blue + Gold = Green Keeping Education Within Reach
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Undocumented Students May qualify for a nonresident tuition exemption under AB 540 and for state and UC financial aid under the California Dream Act. To obtain AB 540 status, students must have either attended a CA high school for three or more years or have completed the equivalent of 3 years of high school credit from CA high school plus attended a total of 3 years in a combination of CA elementary and secondary schools obtain a CA high school diploma or equivalent certify that he or she is taking steps to legalize his or her immigration status or will do so as soon as eligible to do so (“AB 540” application/affidavit). These students must file a California Dream Act Application and submit a Cal Grant GPA Verification Form by March 2.
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Undocumented Students UC has implementing the DREAM Loan program to allow undocumented AB 540- eligible students to choose to borrow. Outside agency loans, grants or scholarships are the only option if students are not eligible for AB 540 status.
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Undocumented Students
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Former Foster Youth Each UC campus has a coordinator to work with incoming former or current foster youth. The campus coordinators are a part of the Guardian Scholars Program. Current foster youth are “independent” for financial aid eligibility. Assistance is available during school breaks.
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 U.S. Military Veterans Most of UC’s student veterans transfer to UC from a community college. Each UC campus has special services available to help veterans transition to college. Notify the campus as early as possible about the veteran status of an incoming student. Federal law no longer allows a Vet to have simultaneously the benefits of both a Cal Grant and also Chapter 33 education benefits for tuition and fees. Tip: Try to save Chapter 33 benefits to use when attending a higher cost program!
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Student Parents UC welcomes student parents. Campuses have support services for students with children. Family housing may be available on or near campus. Documented child care costs may be added to the student budget to increase eligibility for financial aid.
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Changed Circumstances When family income or other significant circumstances change after the filing of the FAFSA or California Dream Act Application, students may petition to have their financial aid awards reconsidered. Each campus has a financial aid appeal process—check with the financial aid office on campus.
Conclusion Blue + Gold = Green Keeping Education Within Reach
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Know how the institution communicates financial aid information Financial Aid Requirements/Award Notifications Mailed communications communications University portals
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Bring Down Expenses Finish at UC as soon as possible Apply for outside scholarships Work part-time Make cost-saving choices Roommates Rent required text books Travel cost Choose on-campus meal plan wisely Leave cars at home
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 Campus Financial Aid Resources UC BerkeleyUCLAUC San Diego (510) (310) (858) UC DavisUC MercedUC Santa Barbara (530) (209) (805) UC IrvineUC RiversideUC Santa Cruz (949) (951) (831)
COUNSELOR CONFERENCE 2016 For More Information Paying for UC UC Online Admissions Application Electronic FAFSA California Dream Act Application U.S. Dept. of Ed. & FAFSA Processing FSA ID for FAFSA Cal Grant Information
Thank you! Blue + Gold = Green Keeping Education Within Reach