Welcome to Meet the Teacher Night 2015 Mrs. Kendy Schiffert, M.Ed. Room th grade
This evening’s goals… Give you an idea of what your child is doing during the school day Share information you may find useful Give you the tools needed to communicate with me or any other teacher your child may have
~ 10 th year teaching ~ 9 th year teaching in East Penn SD ~ 6 th year teaching 4 th grade at Wescosville ~ Taught kindergarten at LMES from ~ Taught Algebra at William Allen High School for the school year ~ Graduated from Millersville University in May 2006 ~ Graduated from Kutztown with Masters in Curriculum and Instruction in December 2013 ~ District Leader for 4 th grade ~ Head teacher here at Wescosville
About “Kendy”/”Mommy” I reside in Topton with my husband, Kyle, and daughter, Kendra
Report Card Grading Scale Grading Scale: % A 84-91% B 74-83% C 65-73% D 64% and lower F Excerpt from The Elementary Standards-Based Report Card Addendum 4- The child is making excellent progress and is exceeding the grade-level skills/standards at this time. 3- The child is making satisfactory progress and is on target to meet or is meeting the grade-level skills/standards at this time. 2- The child is making partial progress and needs improvement to meet the grade-level skills/standards at this time. 1- The child is experiencing difficulty in making adequate progress and is not meeting grade-level skills/standards at this time.
Please stop by the office to get details if you think your child may qualify for free or reduced lunch. Free and Reduced Lunch
Homework 0% of your child’s grades 150 Reading minutes- spread over 7 nights and at least 2 weekend days 180 days of math page Studying: –Word List –Vocab –Grammar –SS/Sci On average: 40 minutes/day Updated on my assignment page almost every day! Students will be given time in class every day to fill out books. Not checked daily- students need to be responsible for their books.
Language Arts in 4 th Grade Daily 5 Read to Self Read to Someone Word Work Work on Writing Listen to Reading* Balanced Literacy Modeled reading/writing Shared reading/writing Guided reading/writing Independent reading/writing
New to Language Arts Word Study ~ Using “Words Their Way” ~ Developmental word pattern study program ~ Students have differentiated lists that are used to help strengthen areas of need in spelling ~ Goal is mastery Academic Vocabulary ~ No longer using “robust” vocabulary ~ Focus on teaching students words they need to know in order to be successful in the educational setting Ex: clarify, contrast, compare
WIN time We will be grouping with all 4 th grade classrooms. Students are divided into groups based on their individual level. Instruction is based upon the needs of students. We will switch four times a week for 45 minutes WIN will begin in October Screenings 3 times a year Math RtII time on Fridays (in homerooms)
Math Students will remain in homerooms for math class, to allow for more cross- curricular opportunities. All classes will be working on 4 th grade math curriculum. All math classes will have a strong focus on problem solving. Differentiation will take place within each classroom. Tools we use to differentiate: Daily 3! Study Island! Khan Academy!
SWPBS- School Wide Positive Behavior System Students earn SOAR tickets Can be traded in to vote on school-wide events Can be traded for items in our school store- coming soon! Lots of other uses as well!
Ways we can communicate…. Classroom website Report Cards (electronic) Conferences Call the school *Take one of my business cards for your wallet! Notes to and from school* *:
My webpage… Homework posted daily Links for Word Study Practice Link for other teachers’ webpages Other information you may find useful
Specialist Schedule Day 1- Library with Mrs. Schueck Day 2- Music with Mrs. Lewis Day 3- none Day 4- Physical Education with Mrs. Decker Day 5- Art with Ms. Bosco
Parent Teacher Conferences Please sign up in one time-slot for conferences. More information about this will come home as we get closer to conferences.
BYOD Forms were sent home a couple of weeks ago Please sign and return form if you have not already Expected Start Date: Tuesday, October 13th Contact Michael Mohn with any questions you have about district policies.
Twitter Wescosville *See me if you need help signing up!! Feel free to just “snoop on” us! New: Class Pictures Reminders Tag us to share your child’s successes at home!
If you have any other questions, I invite you to me, call or set up a conference time! THANK YOU FOR COMING!!