~Cyber-Bullying Grettel Cuellar Period 1 3/17/15~
Cyber Bullying ● What is Cyberbulling? ● It is the type of bullying that takes place using electronic technology over the internet. Which can include cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. ● Threats of harm, gossiping, ● exclusion and ignoring
Why bully? ● Their friends are doing it. ● They want to look cool & fit in. ● Rebelling against their parents. ● Seeking attention. ● They find it amusing.
Effects of Cyber-bullying Can Cause people to have.... ● Low Self esteem ● Suicidal Idealization ● Physiological & emotional problems. ● Skipping school. ● Use of Alcohol & Drugs. ● Receiving Poor grades.
Why don't they tell? ● Their parents don't listen ● They are worried about being labeled a snitch ● May feel embarrassed and afraid