Helping a Baby Develop Trust
Imagine for a moment that you have been abducted by space ship to a distant planet, and you are surrounded by giant strangers whose language you do not speak. Two of those strangers take you under their care. You are entirely dependent on them for the satisfaction of all your needs - hunger, thirst, comfort, and - especially - reassurance that you are safe in this strange place. 10/19/07
Then imagine that something is very wrong - you are in pain, or terribly thirsty, or in need of emotional support. But your two attendants ignore your cries of distress, and you are unable to get them to help you or to understand your needs. Now you have another problem, more serious than the first: you feel completely helpless and alone in an alien world. 10/19/07
Responsive Care ► Hold the baby often ► Give crawling babies a safe place to explore ► Answer back to vocalizations ► Show your love ► Learn to read baby’s signals
Routines ► Babies need a predictable schedule ► Base it on the baby’s own sleep/eat cycle ► Use your strengths ► Gives baby something to look forward to ► Examples: Sing during bath Look at book during diaper change
New Faces, New Places ► Expose babies to new people and situations ► Less scary when with a caregiver they trust ► Don’t force it ► Stay close ► Stay calm and talk them through new situations