World Giving Index th July 2016 Susan Pinkney, Head of Research, Charities Aid Foundation Analysing the global trends in generosity
Some facts about CAF One of the largest charitable foundations in Europe A 90 year track record We work with 250,000 donors, 3,000 companies – including 66% of the FTSE and 50,000 charities In 2014/2015 we channelled £478 million to charities worldwide through a range of services We offer CAF Company Accounts to enable companies to give tax effectively and to donate safely to charitable organisations around the world For charities we offer an online donation processing platform giving charities the tools to fundraise through the web, mobile devices and Facebook and process donations received by post and phone We even have CAF Bank, a wholly owned subsidiary of CAF, provides banking services to over 17,400 charities and not-for-profit organisations And we’re global - CAF’s Global Alliance includes organisations in America, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Russia, India, South Africa and Bulgaria working to strengthen civil society by promoting philanthropy, working with donors to encourage giving, and offering services to facilitate giving
Background to the World Giving Index Sixth edition, referencing giving data across the globe from 2010 to 2014 Based on Gallup’s World View World Poll More than 150,000 interviews conducted across 145 countries in 2014 Three measures, averaged to provide a percentage score and then ranked Provides a rounded measure of giving in all of its various forms, not wholly reliant on a country’s economic power, and a means by which individual countries can track their own performance over time
In 2015……an increase in helping a stranger and donating money How many people around the world... Participation rates over last 5 years
World Giving Index 2015
Cultural differences need to be understood Top 10 countries by participation in volunteering time
Giving is more than just existing wealth Percentage point change in behaviours from 2013 to 2014, by economy status 19 of the 20 most improved countries over the last 5 years are either transitioning or developing economies. Donating money is the activity which has experienced the most improvement
Disruptive events can impact giving Croatia was 2015’s biggest climber... Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina all experienced notable increases in donating money, reflecting the fundraising efforts following extensive flooding throughout Southern Europe in May Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan were surveyed during or just after Ramadan and both countries experienced a year-on-year increase for all three ways of giving, but most notably donating money.
The World Giving Index... generates discussion prompts change encourages more detailed country studies provides a data foundation for further exploration
World Giving Index th July 2016 Susan Pinkney, Head of Research, Charities Aid Foundation Analysing the global trends in generosity