BUT DON’T BE AFRAID TO LEAD! Follow the user! Erik Huizer and Erwin Bleumink
Disruptive innovations Innovations that improve products/services such that it displaces existing ones Examples MP3 player, iPod, iTunes Music industry and CD Amazon Retail industry Starts with innovative product or service but succeeds with innovative new business model
NRENs now, the classical model They operate a network and services Reliable Safe and secure NRENs innovation Innovation = more bandwidth They develop and adopt Open source Standards Etc.
The world is changing BYOD Big Data Mobile Wireless Open learning environments Any place any time anywhere 2.5 Billion people on the Internet Ddos attacks Financial crisis
The result These innovations are taken up by individuals in the institutions Researchers, teachers, students This leads to new ways of working, teaching, learning and researching Location independent BYOD Big Data Virtual organizations, international projects etc. And eventually inevitably leads to a paradigm shift in education and research
A paradigm shift in education In future students will Follow courses wherever they feel like it At the local university IRL At MIT online, via a MOOC etc At Singapore University online Etc. They will take online exams Secure online testing mechanisms The role of the local university is limited Access to e-infra Identity management Practical hands-on courses They will graduate at the university of Shanghai That assembles the exam results Matches it against the curriculum Hands out a graduation bull
Paradigm shift in research ICT is key In any field of science, humanities or languages Virtual organisations Cooperation in various forms of ad-hoc organization International projects Virtual e-science lab Sharing data repositories etc. Big data Allows for new types of research Again in any field of research: science, humanities, languages Sharing data Open data (sharing with the public) Sharing with other researchers With attention for privacy sensitive data Even after research project is finished Data stewardship is essential Researchers need to plan for Storage, network-access, accessibility, meta-data Well beyond end of their project
source: Cees de Laat, University of Amsterdam E-infra and its users Mobility, BYOD, data protection, privacy Low latency Data- stewardship International data-intensive research International data-intensive research Geographic dislocations Virtual organizations
So what is the paradigm shift for NRENs? Community driven Federated over Europe or even the world Sharing e-Infra Cross border fibers, Open Exchanges, federated into a global network Sharing Middleware services like identity services, security services etc. Involve the market If the market can do it (better, cheaper) leave it to the market NRENs more like brokers (in case of cloud services) If market cannot do it (conditions, quality) share the service Innovative (technology push) combined with user demand
New opportunities: where the market does not deliver Security and trust Ddos attacks Identity management Authentication services Privacy protection etc. Data Storage as a service Safe dropbox alternative Search and find Workflow management Learning management Support of testing systems Certifications etc.
Impact for R&E Ahead of the market Facilitating excellence in Research by providing access to the most advanced ICT Supporting big data in R&E Easy and trusted sharing of scientific data Trust promotes usage NRENs can be trusted for easy use of software, content, clous services, instruments NRENs can be trusted for sharing your data Incident management of NRENs is second to none Financial benefits Cost sharing allows for reductions of ICT-budgets in R&E
Impact for society Boost innovation and economic stimulation by facilitating easy cooperation between industry and R&E Providing a PoC playground for ICT Transfer knowledge (identity federation etc.) Accelerate market development Advanced market demands Mobile and wireless Authentication Bandwidth Stimulate developments in other sectors Healthcare Energy Safe, open and accessible Internet Standardization, governance Cybersecurity Privacy
The NREN as a scalable pilot platform innovation and services Applying ICT innovations for society and economy Boosting innovation Connecting advanced research and e-infra Leading in ICT innovations