Roger Koelpin GIS \ Critical Infrastructure Planning and Assessment Branch Standard Operating Procedures for Treatment of Critical Infrastructure Information
What is Critical Infrastructure? The Problem Why do we need an SOP for CII? Methods IDHS SOP
What is Critical Infrastructure? Think risk management R = fn ( C, V, T ) Many definitions. All different, all good. Various thresholds for criticality. Things change in criticality depending on situation. Bottom line, if you can’t do your “business” without it, it is critical.
The Problem We have a need to withhold some information about critical infrastructure. Because we promised. Because it is “risky” to publish. Members of the general public have a reasonable expectation of…
The Problem …knowing that Company XYZ has an office located there. (Geography?) Members of the general public DO NOT have a reasonable expectation of knowing that the 3 rd switch on the left, room 911, building 666, will turn off the sun, forever. (Capabilities, capacity..?) Not always a set of binary options.
Why do we need an SOP? Indiana Access to Public Records Act IC It is the law. Bad things happen when you don’t follow the law. Worse things happen if we promise to keep secrets and don’t. Very real need to continue getting information from private sector!
Why do we need an SOP? Indiana Access to Public Records Act – exceptions IC (b)(19) …reasonable likelihood of threatening public safety by exposing a vulnerability to terrorist attack.
Why do we need an SOP? Indiana Access to Public Records Act – exceptions Can successfully withhold if (IC ) prove that the records are exempted records, and denial of access is NOT arbitrary or capricious.
Methods Prove that the records are exempted Define “Critical Infrastructure Information” and Beyond “a member of the general public has a reasonable expectation…”
Methods Prove that the records are exempted Define “Critical Infrastructure Information” Created a retention schedule for IDHS, for CII through Indiana Public Access Commission Retention schedule is “shred CII when obsolete.” CII defined as anything under IC (b)
Methods Denial of access is NOT arbitrary or capricious Have an SOP for treatment of CII Train and exercise staff on the SOP Apply SOP consistently Part of the SOP establishes a process for assuring that members of the general public DO NOT have a reasonable expectation… Covers those “non-binary” cases
IDHS SOP 1.Retention and Safeguarding 2.Types of CII Records 3.Distribution
IDHS SOP Retention and Safeguarding 1.Retention 2.Safeguarding Includes attachment for best practices 3.Labeling 4.Training 5.Updates
IDHS SOP Types of CII Records 1.Submitted to IDHS as CII by public sector 2.Submitted to IDHS as CII by private sector 3.Generated by IDHS With an attachment for identification of records where members of the general public DO NOT have a reasonable expectation of… Includes allowances for redaction
IDHS SOP Distribution 1.General public – not allowed 2.Response partners Public sector with SOPs for CII Public sector without SOPs for CII Private sector partners
Standard Operating Procedures for Treatment of Critical Infrastructure Information What is Critical Infrastructure? The Problem Why do we need an SOP for CII? Methods IDHS SOP
Standard Operating Procedures for Treatment of Critical Infrastructure Information Questions? Roger Koelpin GIS \ Critical Infrastructure Section Chief Planning and Assessment Branch