Chinese Martial Arts Culture


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. 第 二 周第 3 课时 上课时间 3 月 11 日(星期 三 ) 累计教案 个 课题 Module2 I can run really fast. 课型 reading 基 于教 学学 情目 与标 课设 标计 1. To get information from the reading material.
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聚焦重点领域 推进 “ 四个 ” 融合 积极探索园区非公企业团建工作的新路径 共青团江苏省委 共青团江苏省委 2014 年 1 月 · 北京.
我院召开《三级综合医院评审标准( 2011 年版)内涵》讲座. 3 月 2 日,山东大学第二医院质量 管理办公室徐玉华主任为我院带 来一堂精彩的《三级综合医院评 审标准( 2011 年版)内涵》讲座。 她用形象生动的事例全面介绍了 三级医院达标的方方面面,大家 听后受益匪浅。工会主席周文亮 指出,全院要本照三级医院标准.
丹东市 “ 十二五 ” 德育专项小课题 凤城市 东方红小学 鄂秀春. 提出的背景 家长教师之间亟待相互了解。 传统方式不能满足家校沟通的需求。 拥有良好的网络环境和教师资源。
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干部教育培训工作 2013 年 3 月 年 1 月中央颁布的《干部教育 培训工作条例(试行)》(以下简 称《干部教育条例》),是指导规 范干部教育培训工作的重要文件, 是开展干部教育培训工作必须遵循 的党内法规,是实现干部教育培训 工作科学化、制度化、规范化的重 要保证。

广西交通技师学院 以生本活动为载体 构建学生社团体系 广西交通技师学院学生社团发展经验交流材料. 目录: 一、学院管理 1 、资金支持 2 、场地支持 3 、师资配备 4 、社团建设 二、社团活动 1 、校内开展活动 2 、校外交流学习 广西交通技师学院.
2012 年昆明冶金高等专科学校 生源地贷款培训会. 一、生源地贷款鉴定证明 各地区县级教育部门生源地贷款办理时间一般 从 7 月 1 日开始。学校应尽快办理好学校鉴定证明, 给学生充裕的时间到当地办理.
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1 教育部 2011 年高等学校青年骨干教师高级研修班项目 北京市大学英语教师专业化能力发展专题研修班 高等学校外语学科中青年骨干教师高级研修班 Doing action research in English language teaching National research center for.
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建青实验学校师德项目 人 63.2% 163 人 32% 学校师资情况 项目创意 ( 一 ) 35 岁 以 下 28 岁以下.
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辽宁地质工程职业学院 机电系电气电子教研室 2008 年 6 月 校企合作 实现双赢 王翠芝 校企合作目标 加强校企合作,推进产教结合, 要以校企两方面 “ 双赢 ” 为目标 。校企 合作的过程是校企双方互相选择的过 程,更是相互促进、相互提高的过程, 是在市场的激励下参与竞争,提高生 产力,走向强强联合,共同发展的过.
成都市工业职业技术学校 区域经济全球化,职业教育国际化 —— 职业教育国际化办学初识 廖野平. 近年来,大量跨国企业入驻成都( 238 家世界 500 强企业落户成都),带动整个西南地区产业技 术升级,行业标准进一步与国际趋同。在成都经济 全球化背景下,职业教育国际化就更加具有现实意 义。作为职业教育,应紧跟社会经济发展的总体趋.
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院长助理 教务处长 李学锋 教授 2008 年 9 月 9 日 基于工作过程的系统化高职课程建设.
德国 V. S 家具公司. V. S家具公司创建于1898年,是生产教学、办公家具的专业厂。 1898… 1914… 1997… 1945…
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轮机工程技术专业教学资源库 建设情况汇报 南通航院:施祝斌. 目录 2. 项目完成情况 3. 特色与创新 4. 存在不足 1. 项目建设情况 5. 下一步工作打算.
扬州大学数学科学学院欢迎你! 人才培养工作 扬州大学数学学学院始终以 “ 全面发展、健康成才 ” 为学 生培养的最终目标,培养的学生基础扎实,学风纯正, 每年均有数十人被保送或考取国内外著名大学深造,在 “ 全国大学生数学建模竞赛 ” 和美国大学生数学建模竞赛.
1 温州职业技术学院 国家示范性高等职业院校 实践导向的高职课程改革与创新 温州职业技术学院 丁金昌 二级教授 院 长.
积极探索高职院校 党委会工作科学有效方法 2015 年 10 月 24 日 浙江金融职业学院 党委书记 周建松.
菩提树下 以德育人 海珠区菩提路小学德育团队. 全家福全家福 一、达成共识,共建骄傲德育团队。 省级 “ 十佳 ” 、 “ 优秀 ” 少先队辅导员:张琳、李子杰 广州市名班主任 薛婉华.
Presentation transcript:

Chinese Martial Arts Culture TO STUDY Jiming Tian Phone: 13370529190 QQ:2403548760 Office: P.E. Building 306, Qianfo Hill Campus School of Physical Education, Shandong University

中国武术文化 田吉明 TO STUDY 电 话: 13370529190 QQ: 2403548760 邮 箱: 办公室: 体育楼306,千佛山校区 山东大学体育学院

Check the Course’s Information 核对课程信息 课程号 课序号 课程学分 课程名称 上课地点 上课 日期 节次 0291801510 900 2 运动、营养与健身(通选) 洪楼 体育任选12 星期一 第5大节 0291300212 600 中国武术文化 (艺术英语) 趵突泉 9号楼108d 星期二 601 软件园 1区403d 星期三 602 兴隆山群楼 2-107d 星期四 603 中心理综楼611d 星期五

Policy of Class 一、Attendance 1 tardy:If you are less than 15 minutes late. 1 absence:If you are more than 15 minutes late. 1 absence:You will recorded for every 3 tardy‘s marks. Fail for this course: If you are absent more than 5 times! And you will be OK for your tardy or absence if you have the note for leave signed by your counselor. You are responsible for monitoring your absence.You are welcome to check with me about your attendance at any time!

Policy of Class 二、Grading You will receive a score grade (100) in this class. Your grade will be based on: Attendance and active class participation: 20%; Completing homework on time including one oral presentations/PPT: 40%; The final examination: 40%。

Policy of Class 三、Methods of teaching You are encouraged to raising your hands and give me any questions at any time. Feel free to contact or talk with me regarding any things you may have. Both you and me should study from each other.

Policy of Class 四、Additional informations: For the consideration of other students, no chatting, no cell phones/mobile telephone are allowed. Please attempt to have an open mind towards others whose opinions may differ from your own. This class is meant to be a relaxed and enjoyable experience for everyone, and it is the responsibility of each person to make sure no one feels their opinion is less worthy than anyone else’s.

Questions before Class? 一、Which Chinese Martial Arts have you known? 二、Which Foreign Martial Arts have you known?

(一) Teaching Aim: Make the students know the inheriting relationship between Chinese martial arts culture and Chinese traditional culture and art; understand the fitness, medical, thinking, spiritual, moral, philosophical, cultural, artistic and aesthetic content of Chinese martial arts culture; appreciate and study the classic wushu routine of Chinese traditional martial arts, inherit national sports and cultural, promote national spirit. Focused on inspiring the students’ learning interest to Chinese traditional martial arts, enhancing national self-respect, cultivating hard-working quality of will, promoting physical and mental harmony, enhancing the humanistic moral spiritual cultural and artistic qualities, social adaptation and international employment competitiveness abilities of the university students.

(二) Basic Requirements Make the university students mainly know the Chinese martial arts culture, understand the fitness effect as well as its artistic cultural and aesthetic value of Chinese martial arts. Able to consciously use the martial arts for physical exercise and body-mind cultivation to improve the cultural artistic and aesthetic level of the university students, to provide the necessary preparations for their lifetime more-direction development.

(三) Outline of Contents The theoretical parts includes: through lectures, questioning, discussion, debate as well as extracurricular reading and other links, using courseware, pictures, music, video, model and other ways, make the students completely know and learn: the history of origin, development and maturity of Chinese martial arts; the thinking content of Chinese martial arts, Chinese martial spirit, the Chinese traditional Wushu morality, martial arts and Chinese philosophy, martial arts and aesthetics, the traditional folk culture of Chinese martial arts; the origin, development as well as their content features of all kinds of Chinese wushu-schools from several thousands years:

(三) Outline of Contents such as Shaolin Wushu, Wudang martial arts, Emei Wushu, Nan Quan, orther colorful martial arts types, the mysterious minority martial arts, Chinese traditional health martial arts and world martial arts et al. The theoretical parts includes: learn the typical martial arts routines of Shaolin Wushu, Wudang martial arts, Emei Wushu, Nan Quan and Chinese traditional martial arts, and other factions.

Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1 The history of Chinese martial arts Chapter 2 The ideological content of Chinese martial arts Section 1 The martial spirit of Chinese people; Section 2 The traditional Chinese wushu morality; Section 3 Martial arts and Chinese philosophy; Section 4 Martial arts and Traditional Chinese medicine; Section 5 The beauty of martial arts; Section 6 Internal and exterior Wushu school.

Table of Contents Chapter 3 The traditional folk culture of Chinese martial arts Section 1 The folk martial arts village and martial arts family; Section 2 Martial arts and dragon and lion dances; Section 3 The ancient bodyguard; Section 4 Post delivery, apprentice and apprenticeship; Section 5 Boxing courtesy with moral spirit; Section 6 Learn and open competition

Table of Contents Chapter 4 Shaolin Martial Arts Section 1 The origin and development of Shaolin Kung Fu; Section 2 Tough and practical Shaolin Kung Fu; Section 3 The Zen style of Shaolin martial arts; Section 4 The legend of Shaolin.

Table of Contents Chapter 5 Wudang martial arts Section 1 The origin and development of Wudang martial arts; Section 2 Elegant Wudang martial arts; Section 3 The origin and development of Tai Chi; Section 4 Tai Chi and Chinese traditional culture; Section 5 The health features of Wudang martial arts.

Table of Contents Chapter 6 Emei Wushu Section 1 The origin and development of Emei martial arts; Section 2 The contents of Emei martial arts; Section 3 The schools of Emei martial arts; Section 4 Buddhist and Taoist influence on Emei martial arts; Section 5 The legend of Charming Emei.

Table of Contents Chapter 7 Nanquan Section 1 The origin and development of Nanquan; Section 2 Variety of Nanquan; Section 3 The legend of South Shaolin.

Table of Contents Chapter 8 Colorful martial arts schools; Section 1 Splendid martial arts schools; Section 2 Swift and courageous Tong Bei Quan; Section 3 Interior strength topical Xing Yi Quan; Section 4 Rising star eight-diagram palm; Section 5 Content-rich Changquan; Section 6 Lively pictographic boxing; Section 7 Other martial arts schools.

Table of Contents Chapter 9 Mysterious ethnic minorities martial arts Section 1 Hui nationality martial arts; Section 2 Miao nationality martial arts; Section 3 Tujia nationality martial arts; Section 4 Jingpo nationality sword; Section 5 Yi nationality martial arts; Section 6 De ang nationality martial arts; Section 7 Zhuang nationality martial arts; Section 8 Tibetan and Qiang nationality martial arts; Section 9 Mongolian nationality martial arts.

Table of Contents Chapter 10 Cold weapons in ancient China Section 1 The origin and development of cold weapons; Section 2 Eighteen weapons (swords, knives, lance, crossbows); Section 3 Other common cold weapons; Section 4 Mysterious hidden weapon.

Table of Contents Chapter 11 Japanese martial arts; Section 1 Japanese bushido culture; Section 2 Judo; Section 3 Sumo; Section 4 karate; Section 5 Aikido; Section 6 Japanese jiu-jitsu; Section 7 Japanese Kendo.

Table of Contents Chapter 12 Korea Martial Arts Section 1 Taekwondo; Section 2 Korea Aikido.

Table of Contents Chapter 13 Western martial arts; Section 1 Boxing; Section 2 Wrestling; Section 3 Fencing; Section 4 Free boxing; Section 5 French boxing; Section 6 Russian martial arts; Section 7 American Kickboxing.

Table of Contents Chapter 14 Martial arts in other countries Section 1 India martial arts; Section 2 Tai boxing; Section 3 Brazil jiujitsu; Section 4 Philippine magic Wand; Section 5 Myanmar boxing; Section 6 Southeast Asia martial arts.

Table of Contents Chapter 15 Chinese and foreign martial arts exchange Section 1 Two big challenges in the martial history; Section 2 Chinese martial arts going global.

Teaching Courses 体育保健学(双语)、运动损伤与防护、保健按摩师培训班(暑期学校)。 运动营养学、运动营养与健身(任选)、运动营养师与健身夏令营(暑期学校) 公共营养师培训班(暑期学校)----公共营养师证书 营养配餐员培训班(暑期学校)----营养配餐员证书 休闲体育娱乐理论与方法(任选课)、 轻体育与素质拓展训练(暑期学校)----户外素质拓展培训师证书、 中国民间养生体育(暑期学校)、传统体育养生(任选课)、 中国武术文化(核心通选课)----武术段位证书。 社会体育指导员证书、体适能与私人健身教练证书。 山东省全民健身宣讲团宣讲。 人力资源和社会保障部 国家职业资格证书:企业人力资源管理师、理财规划师、营销师、物流师、秘书、涉外秘书、公共营养师、营养配餐员、心理咨询师、会计证、教师资格证书。

人力资源和社会保障部 国家职业资格证书:公共营养师(三级)

非人力资源和社会保障部证书 助理营养师(三级)

Thank you for your attendance! September 2, 2012