NOVELL sprendimai ir atvirieji standartai Paulius Dubinskas, Novell
AKL Vilnius 2 Agenda: Atvirojo kodo reikšmė visuomenei Atvirojo kodo programų privalumai organizacijose Novell ir atviras kodas Klausimai- atsakymai
AKL Vilnius 3 Atvirojo kodo reikšmė visuomenei
AKL Vilnius 4 Ir visa tai- kenkėjiškos technologijos! some interesting quotes “At present…severe economic damage [is being done] to the property rights of owners of copyrights in sound recordings and musical composition.…Unless something meaningful is done to respond to the…problem, the industry itself is at risk.” Alan Greenspan. Testimony before Congress, “The VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston Strangler is to a woman alone.” Jack Valenti, President of the MPAA. Testimony before Congress, “As the majority of hobbyists must be aware, most of you steal your software…. [Y]ou…prevent good software from being written…. I would appreciate letters from any one who wants to pay up.” Bill Gates, “An Open Letter to Hobbyists,” 1976.
AKL Vilnius 5 Griaunančios technologijos! where has it been? Plienas – Thin Slab Continuous CastingGaro ekskavatoriai- Hidraulika Entertainment – Digital MediaSpausdinimo mašinėlė – Elektra, Kompiuteris
AKL Vilnius 6 Is it Linux: either the kernel or distribution? Is the real disruption really a new process - open collaboration for development? It appears that the disruption extends beyond software. Consider: WikiPedia – Open Content Encyclopaedia Griaunanti jėga where is it now?
AKL Vilnius 7 Atvirojo kodo programų privalumai organizacijose
AKL Vilnius 8 Citata: CIO Magazine CIO magazine CIO’s who don’t come to terms with this revolution will be paying too much for IT ” “Major enterprises are running mission-critical functions on open-source IT. Big vendors have lined up to support it or port their applications to it. CIO’s who have implemented it report significant reductions in total cost of ownership. Our conclusion? CIO’s who don’t come to terms with this revolution will be paying too much for IT ” — CIO Magazine
AKL Vilnius 9 Linux- keturi esminiai privalumai Pasirinkimas Alternatyva UNIX ir nepriklausomybė nuo Windows Pritaikomas būtent JŪSŲ sprendimui Suderinamumas atviriems standartams Kaštai Mažiau investuojame- lanksčiau grįžta pinigai Rinkos ekonomikos privalumai- nepriklausome nuo vieno gamintojo kainodaros Mažesni reikalavimai aparatūrinei įrangai Saugumas Peer review Atvirą kodą galime patikrinti ir įsitikinti Moksliniai metodai Patikimumas Didelis galimybių pasirinkimas Lanksčios galimybės Greitos ir savalaikės atnaujinimų galimybės
AKL Vilnius 10 …ir tai dar ne viskas!
AKL Vilnius 11 Third Party Software and Hardware Support Application SupportHardware Support
AKL Vilnius 12 NOVELL ir atviras kodas
© April 26, 2005 Novell Inc. 13 SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server Novell Open Enterprise Server Novell exteNd Director Novell exteNd Composer Java Mono/.NET JBoss... ZENworks Novell eDirectory iManager Novell Security Manager, Powered by Astaro Evolution GroupWise Hula Novell NetMail powered by Hula iFolder iPrint Virtual Office Novell Linux Desktop ProductivityGroupWareAdministrationDevelopmentServerDesktop Cross-platform Identity and Security Services Consulting, Support and Education Novell produktai Linux
AKL Vilnius 14 Ekosistema & Support Daugiau kaip 800 Linux support profesionalų visame pasaulyje, pasiryžę padėti 24x7x365 Pirmoji pasaulyje kompanija, naudosianti atviru kodu paremtus sprendimus visoje organizacijoje Novell professional Services TM siūlo šešių lygių support, tinkantį tiek smulkiam bizniui, tiek stambioms struktūroms Metodologija ir strategija migruoti į Linux iš UNIX, Windows ar NetWare Daugiau kaip 4,200 Novell partnerių visame pasaulyje
AKL Vilnius 15 Klausimai?