International Programs & Exchanges
Congrats! This is the first step in exploring the world of opportunities! After this session you will be able to begin your program search Schedule a One-on-One advising appointment with one of our advisors. Advising is by Program Type New Zealand
When can I Study Abroad? You can study abroad during your sophomore, junior or senior year How long can I Study Abroad? You can study abroad for a quarter, semester, academic year, summer or academic break Students can go abroad more than once! How does Study Abroad work with Enrollment? You maintain your enrollment at WWU and earn credit towards your WWU transcript You can apply courses towards your major, your minor, or as elective credit Can I use Financial Aid? Yes, financial aid applies to program costs
Study Abroad Programs Traditional Study Abroad Programs Faculty Led Programs Exchanges Direct or Reciprocal Exchanges International Student Exchange Program (ISEP ) International Internships Educators Abroad Independent Study Abroad China
Italy Programs that offers educational experiences for students abroad Offer any level of foreign language Instead of WWU tuition, students pay a program fee to the program Courses can be offered in English and/or host country language Varied housing options Service Learning & Internships are often available
WWU faculty design & lead programs abroad. Take WWU courses from a WWU faculty member with WWU classmates. Faculty members share his/her special expertise “on location” with small groups of students. Spring break, summer, and quarter- long options. Students pay WWU tuition + program fees covering on-site costs. Greece Kenya
Agreements between WWU and institutions abroad to exchange students Two Types: Direct – pay WWU tuition then Room/Board at host institution ISEP- Pay WWU Tuition, mandatory fees, WWU Room & Board Great immersion experiences Affordable Attend big universities & language schools Require: Independence In most cases, higher language ability Available for Quarter, Semester, & Year (Not Summer) Russia
Gain on-the job experience and professional skills working for a company, agency, organization, NGO or government office Part-time and full-time internships for credit. Integrate academic credit with on-the-job experience May require resume, letters of recommendation & interviews Educators Abroad program allows students to complete their student teaching requirements abroad Quarter, Semester, Academic Year, & Summer Internships available New Zealand
Study courses abroad in areas that are not readily available in the curriculum at WWU Customized programs Faculty members sponsor and monitor these projects Negotiate credit within your WWU department New Zealand Ethiopia
2.5 Cumulative GPA Good Academic Standing Sophomore status prior to departure Full time enrollment at WWU for at least one quarter prior to departure *Requirements may vary for each program Chile
What you want out of the experience ? Make a list of priorities Speak with your Academic or Faculty Advisor Use the IPE Website to search for program options m?FuseAction=Abroad.Home m?FuseAction=Abroad.Home Meet with a study abroad advisor Italy
An Exchange might be a good fit if you are: Seeking an immersion experience Interested in taking courses with international/local students Independent A Study Abroad Program might be a good fit if you are: Seeking onsite support Course offerings in English and/or a host language Seeking Internships & Excursions Visa Assistance
A Faculty-led Global Learning Program might be a good fit if you are: Taking courses with fellow WWU students Learning from WWU professors Experiencing industry tours, and field trips with faculty & other WWU students An Internship Program might be a good fit if you are: Seeking professional development and service learning opportunities abroad Already have work experience Seeking international work experience and references
WWU Financial Aid (loans & grants) go with you abroad. Complete your FAFSA! Must be enrolled full time abroad CAN BE APPLIED (depending on program) Guaranteed Education Tuition (GET) and Veteran’s Affairs (Exchanges, Fac-led, some applicable programs) WWU Scholarships DO NOT APPLY Tuition Waivers Work Study Western Grants (WUE) scholarship Italy
Most WWU scholarships can be used for study abroad. Many study abroad programs have scholarships. WWU Scholarships n/scholarships.shtml n/scholarships.shtml National awards (Gilman, Freeman- Asia, Boren)- Visit the WWU Fellowships Office in College Hall 07 for Assistance! Peru
To reduce program costs, consider factors such as: Program type Cost of living per country Spain vs. South America Eastern Europe vs. Western Europe Round-trip airfare costs Scholarship opportunities! Non-traditional locations Non-traditional areas of study Critical Need Languages Heritage Seekers Norway
Do you have a passport? Must be valid for 6 months after you return. Visa requirements change, and have long processing times- save your personal travel for the end of your experience! FYI: You may need to appear in person for visa appointment: Greece, Spain, France, China- San Francisco Argentina- Los Angeles Italy
All courses count as WWU credit! Plan to get courses approved: fulfill GURs and Honors courses, Major, Minor & Elective requirements abroad. S/U grades appear on your transcript, but are not factored into your overall GPA. *Faculty-led courses/grades will affect your GPA as they are WWU courses Germany
S/U grades: need a C- or better for “satisfactory” Request transcripts be sent to the IPE Office –Expect to wait 4-5 months for it to appear on your WWU record. “International Studies” placeholders will turn to S/U grades upon receipt & review of your foreign transcript Seniors: If you go abroad your last term, your diploma may be delayed. Spain
Fill out 2 applications: (except Faculty-Led programs) 1 –WWU Study Abroad/Exchange Application 2 –Program Provider or Host University Application WWU Application steps: Fill out printable Application from the IPE website pplications.shtml pplications.shtml Turn in application forms to our office: Miller Hall 208 Egypt
For more information: Peer Advisors