PJ Library Mitzvah Day Book Swap and Storytelling In partnership with Mitzvah Day, PJ Library has created a book-based event for young families. It includes: A book swap Mitzvah Day storytelling and a free PJ Library Mitzvah book Art and craft activity ideas PJ Library gifts Jewish books to children aged 8 and under, every month, that celebrate Jewish values, festivals and culture. Doing a good deed, or a mitzvah, often comes up in many PJ Library stories, and therefore Mitzvah Day is a great opportunity to help young children read new books whilst doing a mitzvah at the same time. 1
Set up your own local BOOK SWAP Enjoy story time and a chance to trade books children have loved and outgrown. This is a terrific way to give and receive new books. A book swap is a fun event for every age. Ask participants to bring along 2-3 books they don’t read any more, and to write a note detailing why they liked it – then get them to swap! It’s a social event that will introduce children to a new favourite read. PJ Library invite you to be a part of this opportunity to donate your preloved books books to tzedakah. 2
Book Swap 1.Register by ing and receive PJ Library book swap posters, stickers and 2.Invite young families to the event and remind them to bring 2-3 gently used books to swap and give away 3.Children can look around the swap-shelf and choose a book they like. They can take it with them or simply enjoy it at the event 4.Leave behind at least one gently used books for someone else to discover 5.Children take home a ‘new’ book and leave the rest behind. All of the collected books can be donated to a local children's hospice 6.Take photos of the book swap and send to PJ Library HQ so your event can inspire others! 3
Mitzvah Day and PJ Library Storytelling Synopsis: Gabriel begins his magical career by spilling milk and poking his sister. Gabriel’s mum explains that good magicians try to make people happy by doing mitzvot, good deeds. Gabriel re-thinks his approach to magic and becomes the Mitzvah Magician! Synopsis: Mitzvah Meerkat loves the simple acts of kindness that lead to tikkun olam (repairing the world). Whether it is welcoming friends, sharing food with the hungry, respecting our elders, or forgiving others for mistakes, there’s almost always an opportunity for a mitzvah. 6 Register to host a PJ Library Mitzvah Day storytelling event and receive a FREE mitzvah book to read to young families on the day! Here are two books that families loved last Mitzvah Day, that are available again this year:
PJ Library Mitzvah Day Arts & Crafts Encourage children to think about mitzvahs they can do: 1.Create a Mitzvah Tree to focus their ideas 2.Make mitzvah magic wands 3.Decorate bookmarks for the book swap Create a Mitzvah Tree Invite children to write down one mitzvah they will do on a leaf shaped cut-out from coloured paper. Stick it to a pre-drawn tree and send a photo of your mitzvah tree to The best tree wins a PJ Library book pack for their community. 7
8 Make Mitzvah Magic Wands like Gabriel ‘The Mitzvah Magician’ Each child paints a twig/stick and while it is still wet, cover in glitter. Label with the child’s name and leaves for 15 mins to dry. Once it is dry, add ribbons. You will need: Variety of twigs (collect from park/garden!) or find something else that would be suitable such as chopsticks Paint, brushes, pens, glitter, glue, ribbon/wool to tie and wrap around it Book marks to use in the books from the book swap Create book marks decorated with mitzvahs that children will do on Mitzvah Day. We would love to see photos of children in your community creating their Mitzvah Day book marks. Please send photo to
Register Today Sara today and we will send you Mitzvah Day PJ Library book swap posters, stickers, a FREE storytelling book and other family activity ideas. 9 Thank you!