MAIN CHARACTERS There is a boy named Jack, he is Annie’s brother. Jack has brown eyes and hair. He is the oldest sibling. Annie is a young girl, she is Jack’s sister. Annie has blue eyes and blonde hair. She is the younger one. Morgan Le Fay is magical lady. She is the maker and founder of the Magic Tree House.
STORY SUMMARY Jack and Annie were strolling through a pathway to school when Annie saw a magical tree house (It was only visible to people who believe in magic). Jack and Annie went inside and magically travelled to the dinosaur times! While they were looking around, Jack got swooped by a flying dinosaur!!! Jack landed in the dinosaur’s nest and escaped. When Jack and Annie found each other, they went back to the tree house and magically transported back to their time. When they got back a woman named Morgan Le Fay talked to them, they became friends! Afterwards, they went to school.
SETTING The setting of this book was in Frogcreek, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is away from California. This book is also in the dinosaur times. During the dinosaur times there were dinosaurs like, Triceratops, T-Rex, and Stegosaurus.
WHO ELSE WOULD WANT TO READ THIS STORY Ethan De La Cruz, Ephraim De La Cruz, Nicholas DeMarco, Ryland Downer, and Harry would want to read this book sometime.
RATINGS I rate this book a 4 star. I didn’t rate it 5 because Jack got swooped by a dinosaur. I really like this book. It’s great for adventurous people like me. It’s also great for boys and girls who like dinosaurs. These are my final ratings.
WHAT I THOUGHT I thought this was a great book to read, I could have wrote so much about this. I could use 15 pieces of notebook paper! This was very adventurous and surprising to me. I would tell my friends about this book.