Jake Kudlinski Kara Kelley Ben Mohler
Originally found in South America Lived 2 – 3 Million Years Ago Important find in Arizona – links when land bridge between North and South America connected Looks like an armadillo, but much larger The size of a small car
Name means “meat -eating bull”- it’s horns look like a bull’s horns Near complete skeleton, even with skin impressions and skull, found in 1985 in Argentina Lived in Cretaceous Period-~ 66 million years ago Unusual Characteristics: Horns over small eye sockets, spindly, short arms couldn’t touch each other, smaller than human arms 26 feet long, weighed ~ 4,500 pounds Could run ~ 24.5 mph, faster than a T.rex, but only in one direction-forward! Believed to be fastest of all theropods, due to it’s hip design Featured in 2000 Disney movie called “Dinosaur”
Balaur Romanian dromaeosaur, related to the more well-known Velociraptor and Deinonychus Lived in a tight, restricted environment consisting of only a few island communities in 70 million year old Europe Features several key characteristics that are not present in other dromaeosaurs, including a functional first toe, complete with an additional claw, stocky limbs, and extra muscle attachments for stronger limb support. The animals that lived with Balaur were also effected by Foster’s rule, a biological theory that states that animals grow or shrink based on food supply: with fewer resources, large species shrunk, such as Magyarosaurus, a dwarf sauropod. The diet of Balaur is under debate. Although the animal sported not one but two scythe-like claws on each foot, it may not be the apex predator that it seems. The limbs of Balaur are unusually short and stocky; it may have also had a larger digestive system. This may indicate that Balaur was an omnivore, or even a pure herbivore.
One of the first dinosaurs to be discovered in Antarctica. Name means frozen-crested reptile Early Jurassic period, 190 million years ago. Inquire Appearance- A pair of thin flared crests on its head gave it a weird appearance. Too fragile for head-butting, may be used as a display for mates. The crests gave Cryolophosaurs the nickname “Elvisaurs” when it was discovered in o feet long and weighed 800 pounds. Diet mostly prosauropods and other plant eaters.
Name means “lizard from La Amarga,” a canyon in Argentina, S. A., where the dinosaur was found. It is a sauropod that reached 30 feet in length, 13 feet tall Weighs ~ 5 tons Considered small for a sauropod-was often prey for large carnivores living at that time Lived during Early Cretaeous ~ 130 million years ago Unusual Characteristics: It has two rows of spike-like spines on its neck and back. Spikes thought to help make this smaller sauropod look bigger, or possibly help regulate body temperature. It has five toes, the last, a large, sharp claw.
Kentrosaurus A relative of Stegosaurus, Kentrosaurus is a smaller and much less well known species only known from a single site in Tanzania. One of the most noticeable features of Kentrosaurus would be its long tail, which is nearly half of the overall body length. Emerging from this long tail are rows and rows of neatly arranged spikes, which would provide ample defense if it were ever attacked. One of the possible downsides of this large tail would be a center of gravity very far back on the animal. From the hips forward, the rows of spikes are replaced with plates shaped halfway between a triangle and a rectangle. Kentrosaurus, like every other member of the stegosaur family, was an herbivore. However, few teeth of Kentrosaurus are known; at the time when Kentrosaurus was described, only a single tooth was known. Since then, only one additional tooth and several fragments have been found.
Masiakasaurus Means Vicious lizard, knopfleri, its gene name, was named after a singer from England. Inquire Appearance- Its lower front teeth are nearly horizontal in its upper jaw giving it a weird appearance. Lived during the Late Cretaceous, million years. Predicted to have a diet on fish,like spinosaurs, and small prey. Discovered in 2001 in Madagascar 5 to 6 feet long and might of weighed around pounds.
Nothronychus Nothronychus means “sloth claw”, referring to the giant claws on the animal’s forefingers Discovered first in the NM Zuni Formation by Arizona Native Douglas Wolfe. Size: feet long, feet tall Unusual Characteristics:. Unusually long arms and claws, combined with a long neck and short tail, gave Nothronychus an awkward gait. Small heads with beaked mouth. Wide hips and large chest for huge digestive system. May have been covered with feathers Diet: Still debated: Herbivore, plant diet; but also may have used claws to find food
Dracorex One of the most peculiar members of the Pachycephalosaur family, Dracorex has not a domed head but a flat one, ornamented with various horns and spikes. As with all members of the family, the usage of this novel headgear is unknown; the usual response would be for protection or aiding in courtship, although it isn’t impossible for both to be equally true. The ‘true answer’ to this question can never really be answered, because, even if we could confidently say what it was for, there probably wasn’t just one use for their cranial decoration. Like the rest of its family, Dracorex was an herbivore. Aide from Dracorex’s unique display, the most interesting tidbit about the animal is the name that it was given; Dracorex hogwartsia, the full name, gives tribute to not only dragons (Dracorex: dragon king) but also to popular fiction (Hogwartsia: I’m seriously not going to spell this one out for you, it’s pretty obvious).
Nigersaurus Related to a Apatosaurus, but with a shorter neck. Name means Niger reptile. Inquire Appearance- Has a wide, flat mouth with 600 teeth in its jaw the most teeth ever found on a dinosaurs. Teeth are found in the front of the jaw and continuous replacing like hadrosaurs. Describes to grazes, like a cow, on low, lying plants but is able to rear up to devour tree’s leaves. 30 feet long, weighed two tons Lived during early cretaceous period, 110 million years ago.