CORE KARES Lesson Plan Integrity & Do the Right Thing! August 9, 2016 Today, our students will learn about the interrelated qualities of Integrity and Doing the Right Thing. Each student will need a copy of the crossword puzzle and the PBIS Matrix (hopefully, you saved yesterday’s matrix for this activity). There are three components to our lesson: Share the next five slides with students while discussing and practicing the qualities of Integrity and Doing the Right Thing. When you complete slide #6, allow 10-15 minutes for students to complete their crossword puzzles. Students may work independently or in pairs, at your discretion. During the last five minutes of class, have students exchange papers for correcting. You will find the key on the last slide of this PowerPoint (there is also a copy on the website for downloading). Please now hit the F5 key and share the remainder of this PowerPoint with your students.
Integrity What exactly is Integrity? The dictionary defines it as: Brainstorming activity: Pair and share a quality of a Safford student who has Integrity. (5 minutes max.)
Doing the Right Thing So, if having Integrity means being honest and having strong moral principles, what exactly is Doing the Right Thing? Easy! Doing the Right Thing is the action we take which demonstrates our Integrity, even if nobody notices! Here’s an example. A person picks up a wallet with money inside of it. Having Integrity, she knows that the wallet needs to be returned to its owner. She Does the Right Thing by actually calling the owner and returning it! Think of an example of how Integrity and Doing the Right Thing are related to each other and be ready to share!
Now, let’s practice! Using our Safford PBIS Matrix as reference, complete your crossword puzzle. You will only need to use the categories of “Integrity” and “Do the Right Thing!” to solve the puzzle. We will correct our puzzles in 10-15 minutes, so use your time wisely!