1980 In the early 1980's Mt. Saint Helen was a sacred place to the local Indian tribes. On May.18,1980 a 5.1 magnitude earthquake struck Mt. Saint Helen and caused it to erupt and burn 230 square miles of forest.
1981 On May.13,1981 Pope John Paul II was struck by 3 bullets while being driven slowly in a convirtable. He just barely made it out of his 6 hour surgery . .
1982 After working for a year and a half Michael Jackson released his best selling album thriller with the hit single Thriller featuring Ola Ray.
1983 In 1983 cabbage patch kids became very popular all around the world. It was known as a must have collectable doll. In just five years the cabbage patch kids became the most popular,sold out doll in America. Every little girl had a cabbage patch kid. To make it even better, they come with small make believe adoption certificates. The inventor Xavier Roberts captured attention by making each character an indivisual with its own personality , so every kid was truly one of a kind and unique. All kids were up for adoption and needed good, nurturing homes to call there very own.
1984 The first pg-13 movie was released in 1984 starring Patrick Swayze, this was the first movie to be released as pg-13. This new category was announced in July. The MPAA’s ratings board reportedly issued the first PG-13 rating to The Flamingo Kid, which starred Matt Dillon; however, Red Dawn opened in theaters first. Red Dawn told the story of a group of teenagers who band together to protect their small Colorado town after it is invaded by Communist paratroopers from Russia and Cuba. Along with Patrick Swayze, the film co-starred C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Charlie Sheen, Jennifer Grey and Harry Dean Stanton. Red Dawn was one of Swayze’s early films, along with The Outsiders (1983), a teen drama that featured the actor as part of a roster of up-and-coming young stars, including Howell, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Rob Lowe, Emilio Estevez, Tom Cruise and Diane Lane. Swayze’s real breakout performance came in 1987’s Dirty Dancing, also co-starring Grey. In 1990, he co-starred in another big hit, Ghost, with Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg.
1985 In 1985 a group of scientist from Australia found a boiler in the middle of the Atlantic ocean that is believed to have been ripped out during the tragic sinking of titanic in 1912. Soon after the whole ship was discovered.
1986 In 1986 Michael Jackson was diagnosed with a rare but serious skin disease/condition called Vitiligo. Although his fans supported him other critisized and made jokes out of his appearance.
1987 In 1987 various fashion trends came up and things like animal print,leotards,wild hair,and leggings were common. Sweat bands and other workout clothing were common everyday use!e.
1988 In 1988 Robyn Fenty was born on February.08,1988. Who is Robyn Fenty? Today Robyn is known as rihanna. Her childhood was surrounded by family. Her mother monica and her father ronald were always around and even with her being an adult they are still a big party of her life. She is now an award winning vocalist and recording artist. She is always visiting her hometown of St. Michaels, Barbados.
1989 On the 9th of November, 1989, the Border separating Western from Eastern Germany was effectively opened. The following days were most unusual for the whole of Germany - considering the usual German ways, one could almost speak of anarchy: Shops stayed open as long as they wanted (the usual, mandatory closing time was 6:30pm in 1989), a GDR passport served as a free ticket for public transport, and in general there were more exceptions than rules in those days
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