“Trevlig Helg” is how the children in Sweden say, Happy Holidays.
On the shortest days of the year, December 13 th, Sweden celebrates the Feast of Santa Lucia. The eldest daughter of each family dresses in a white gown and wears a wreath of lighted candles on her head representing Santa Lucia.
Early in the morning, the eldest daughter then brings sweet cakes and coffee to each member of her family while they are still in bed.
Santa Lucia was a young girl who lived in Italy in the 2 nd century AD. She was a strong believer in the Christian Faith She felt her family should give all of their wealth to the poor. Her family disagreed with her. Then her mother became ill and Santa Lucia convinced her to travel to a holy place. Her mother was cured and in gratitude she gave away her wealth. Several days later, the government found out that she was a Christian and condemned her to death. She became a saint.
In Sweden on Christmas Eve, the houses are prepared for the arrival of “ Jultometen”. Jultometen is father Christmas and he arrives in a sleigh pulled by miniatures of himself.
Christmas Trees are decorated with real candles. At Midnight, the story of the First Christmas is read and gifts are opened.
The holidays look like a lot of fun for Swedish Children.