THE BEST DIET FOR YOU IS THE ONE THAT… Is consistent Is always prepared Fits into your lifestyle And follows the basics very well
THE VERY BASICS THAT YOU SHOULD FOLLOW EVERYDAY ARE: Consume a ‘pick & mix’ of single ingredient foods Drink 3 – 4 litres of water Keep protein & fat’s in the diet daily BENCHMARK
THE IMPORTANCE OF SINGLE INGREDIENT FOODS What are SIF’s? SIF’s are foods which have literally one ingredient, look at the example here: As you can see the broccoli has one ingredient which is literally broccoli, however the bread has well over 20 ingredients which are used to preserve it, make it soft, taste better etc. The bread is literally full of toxic chemicals which has very little health benefits. Where as the broccoli has the vitamins it offers instead. The aim is to combine a selection of these single ingredient foods such as; turkey, coriander, broccoli, spinach, sweet potato etc to make one meal. This is why I like to call it the pick & mix of single ingredients. BENCHMARK
SO WHY SIF’S? When you consume SIF’s you will get the following benefits: The benefits of the nutrients in their whole source instead of them being tampered with in a lab. Within these foods you will receive their natural enzymes which help with digestion. You will also receive the right amount of water to help with hydration from these foods especially veg and greens. The natural fibre content will improve the health of your gut (your whole digestive system) and make you feel fuller and more satisfied. You don’t receive any nasty chemicals when you consume SIF’s it is just the whole source. BENCHMARK
DRINK 3 – 4 LITRES OF WATER Water is the one nutrient that most people really under value. Well here are some very simple hard hitting facts about water… 1. Your body is 70% water 2. Your blood is 85% water 3. Your brain is 80% water 4. Your muscles are 75% water 5. Your cells (which you have billions of) are 90% water Still feel water isn’t important? BENCHMARK
SO WHY WATER? After oxygen water is literally THE MOST IMPORTANT nutrient we need. We could go 3 weeks without food, without water? About 3 days. Going off the facts on the previous slide is it any wonder that people suffer with low mood, headaches, low muscle definition and generally poor health? If you don’t drink much water right now then drinking 3 or 4 litres may seem a real challenge. Like anything you need to make it a habit, you can do this by keeping a big bottle of water by your side all the time and whenever you look at it just sip some. Make sure you don’t get into the habit of not drinking all day then literally glugging it down at the end of the day. BENCHMARK
PROTEINS & FATS ARE ESSENTIAL [LITERALLY] PROTEIN Protein breaks down into ESSENTIAL amino acids, these EAA’s are what help you to grow and stay alive. Everything in your body relies on Protein; hair, nails, skin, muscle, bone, cardio system, all your vital organs. Protein helps to boost brain function; so you know when you feel low and tired it is the lack of certain neurotransmitters and hormones to make you feel alive, focused, and positive. By eating protein this will give you more alertness. Protein is found densely in meats such as; fish, eggs, meat, and poultry – these are called Primary sources of protein. The secondary source of protein are; dairy, nuts, whey powder. The rule is that you should be consuming (depending on goals) around g’s of protein per pound that you weigh. So a 150 llb person should be consuming around g of protein per day. With 90% of this coming from your primary protein sources. The more you train and the more active you become the more important protein is due to muscle breakdown. BENCHMARK
PROTEINS & FATS ARE ESSENTIAL [LITERALLY] FATS Fat’s have received a bad reputation over the years because apparently ‘they make you fat.’ Well fortunately for this delicious and nutritious nutrient is just isn’t true. FACTS ON FATS… 1. FATS; are jam-packed with vital vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. These are classed as ‘fat soluble vitamins’ which means we can only consume these when fat is present. 2. Your brain is made up of fat and cholesterol: People go on a low calorie crash diet and wonder why they feel so tired? Well this is because of the reduction in fats… Your brain thrives on fats and it is a primary energy source for this vital organ. 3. Fat contains cholesterol which Is vital for life: Every single cell in our body has an outer layer of cholesterol, without these trillion cells being protected how do we expect to thrive? When we reduce cholesterol we rely on the liver to create it, then placing more stress on the liver which already has hundred other jobs to do.
FATS [Continued…] As you can see from the diagram below fats come in different forms. The blue boxes are your natural healthy fats and the black box is the man made ‘fake fats’. Poly, Mono, and Sat fats all provide different nutrients, by getting a combination of these different fats throughout your week you will receive all these different benefits and won’t need to supplement with anything. TRANS fats are found in; vegetable oils/ sprays, margarine, crisps, cereals, salad dressings and fried/ processed foods. They are well hidden so this emphasises the importance of getting 90% of your food from the whole natural forms of fats which are found mainly in meats, fish, eggs, nuts, avocado's, coconut oil and butter. Fats & cholesterol are so important in the function of our hormones. F & C help to produce the hormones which make with the 4’s… Better HEALTH, better HORMONES (especially sex hormones), less HUNGER, and more happiness.
WHAT NEXT? When you have all these basics in place and are being CONSISTENT, PREPARED, and this regime FITS INTO YOUR LIFESTYLE, then we can begin to try other things to REALLY boost your fat loss and increase strength. Until then really focus on making the 90% your 100% everyday. Summarise: Consume single ingredient foods for 90% of your week Consume 3 – 4 litres of water per day Keep protein & fat a priority in your diet
Well done on completing the first tutorial… Hopefully that all made sense and I didn’t boggle your head too much. If you do have any questions please write them down and them over to me. In the mean time really work on those absolute basics for a week, following that we will then get you started on the next stage of your LIFESTYLE DIET KICKSTART.