Linux for human beings mm.dd.yyyy Your Name City Place/Happening
What Ubuntu means ? What is Ubuntu ? ● An African word from zulu- and xhosa-languages ● Community-releated ● Can be translated "from human to human" ● Free ● Easy to use ● Multi lingual ● Most popular Linux-distribution
● Long time Debian developer ● Founded Thawte in 1995 ● Sold to Verisign in 1999 ● Started Ubuntu-project in 2004 Mark Shuttleworth
Ubuntu-foundation Started in 2005 Initial fund of 10 bil. USD Secures the availability and development of Ubuntu also in the future
Ubuntu in a nut shell ● Based on developement version of Debian ● Gnome as desktop ● New version after 6 months, 18 month support ● LTS-versio released every other year with 3-5 year support ● Bases on free software philosofy
1. The freedom to run the program, for any purpose. 2. The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to make it do what you wish. ● Access to the source code is a precondition for this. 3. The freedom to redistribute copies so you can help your neighbor. 4. The freedom to improve the program, and release your improvements (and modified versions in general) to the public, so that the whole community benefits. ● Access to the source code is a precondition for this. Four freedoms of software
Features of ubuntu ● Really fast booting time ● Automatic detection of hardware and drivers ● Easy to use and fast graphical user interface (Gnome) ● Easy software installation from repositions. ● Automatic update of ALL installed PROGRAMS ● Localisation on programs to 290 languages
Data security of ubuntu ✔ No need for firewall – no opened ports at default ✔ No need for antivirus – viruses does not exist ✔ Software repositions are electrically signed, downloading is reliable. ✔ Automatic software upgrades from repositions. ✔ UNIX-architecture: operating system is designed from base to be a multi user enviroment and to operate in network. ✔ AppArmor ✔ Ecryptfs: encrypt your home directory or whole system ✔ Open source increases reliability
Software Ubuntu includes all basic programs what you need directly after installing or on live cd! More programs can be installed from repositions – over programs listed!
Office applications Create professional documents, spreadsheets and presentations with 3.1. is compatible with all office applications including Microsoft Office.
Browse the Internet – Firefox 3.5 Popular, fast and secure. Complies with standards
Chat and – Empathy ja Evolution Chat with your friends, whatever they use: Yahoo, Gmail, MSN, AOL etc... Evolution: , calendar, contacts etc...
Play music, watch videos Plug in iPod, PSP or MP3-player to rhythmbox. Watch videos from Youtubesta or BBC!
Play games and enjoy! No more solitaire or minesweeper – there is over 400 free games available to play!
Hardware support Normal PC (32-bit and 64-bit) and MAC (Intel, PowerPC) computer, laptops and minilaptops Hardware accessory support for about 90% of devices You can try hardware support by using LIVE-CD
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