Post Anesthesia Care
Post Anesthesia Unit Specialized critical care area Also called recovery room or PACU, (post anesthesia care unit) Usually nurses have critical care or medical-surgical experience
Primary goal of nursing care is to: Maintain A,B,C’s Thus, the environment includes special equipment:
Admission to PACU PACU nurse receives patient and reviews information patient’s name and age medical diagnosis & type of surgery general condition: airway, vital signs, BP anesthetic used and other meds given narcotics, muscle relaxants, paralytics any problems in OR; e.g. hemorrhage
Post-Operative Assessment Report Pathology encountered Fluids given, including blood Estimated blood loss (EBL) Tubing, drains, catheters Urine output Any important historical information allergies, or chronic illnesses
Immediate Assessment Time patient arrived Patency of airway, artificial airways, O2 Respirations Pulse Skin color, nailbeds, lips, mucous membranes (patient will be cold!!) Neuro checks: can patient follow commands?
Immediate Assessment Check operative site drainage or hemorrhage tubes that need to be unclamped and connected to drainage Pertinent historical information HOH, epilepsy, diabetic, allergies, drugs Reflexes: eyelid, pharyngeal, cough Urge to void; bladder distention
Oral Airway Hard plastic airway used to maintain patent airway Keeps tongue from falling back and obstructing airway Removal: when gag reflex returns
Other Artificial Airways Ventilators patient may require ventilatory assistance
Vital Signs check q 15 mins until stable; then q 30” pulse above 110 or below 60 should be reported BP inform physician if BP drops more than 20 mmHg after OR, or 5-10 mmHg at each reading Color of lips and nailbeds indicate tissue perfusion (but patients are cold)
Temperature usually very cold and maybe hypothermic report fever at once
Intravenous Infusion Most patients will have an IV Purpose?
Neurological Assessment Return of reflexes such as swallowing or gagging Patient’s response to name or verbal stimuli Level of alertness or orientation
GI Assessment Nausea and vomiting is common after anesthesia Assess bowel sounds NPO until bowel sounds return If NG inserted, check for patency
Wound-Drainage Assessment Observe dressings and drains Observe under patient for any pooling of bloody drainage Record color and amount of drainage
Comfort/Pain Assessment Assess need for analgesics Administer as needed if ordered, or call Assess for respiratory or cardiovascular depression Siderails up Provide warmth Mouth will be dry, moistened wash cloth
Possible Behavior after General Anesthesia Nausea and vomiting Restlessness Crying Grogginess Weakness
Complications of Post- Operative Anesthesia
Respiratory Obstruction Signs and symptoms restlessness choking noisy irregular respirations Causes laryngeal spasms secretions relaxation of tongue over epiglottis
Prevention and Treatment of Respiratory Obstruction Clear secretions from airway suction if necessary Position airway properly 100% oxygen Prepare for intubation if necessary
Circulatory Complications of Post-Operative Anesthesia Hemorrhage check dressings and drain tubes with vital sign checks Post-operative hypotension usually accompanied by increased pulse
Volume Depletion Definition Not enough circulating blood volume in the body Causes Patient fasting prior to surgery Blood loss during surgery
Prevention of Hypovolemic Shock Monitor fluids very closely Blood loss measured and reported Blood and blood substitutes available Monitoring of vital signs continued throughout recovery
Unexpected Outcomes Unstable vital signs Shallow or noisy irregular respirations Restlessness or c/o pain Significant fall in BP Significant bleeding Imbalance in intake or output
Discharge from PACU Patient is stable and recovered from anesthetic agents Specific criteria patient must meet: uncompromised airway stable vital signs oriented to time, place and person urine output greated than 30 ml/hr nausea/vomiting and pain under control
Discharge Criteria Hospital use specific tool Patient’s scores taken at intervals Total score will indicate patient’s readiness for discharge Note criteria used by hospital when doing recovery room rotation