Created by BM|DESIGN|ER SubscriptionBSS default
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Billing Hosting VALUE PROPOSITION Self-Service BSS Lowest TCO Lower Onboarding Cost CUSTOMERS VARS ISVs Enterprises Distributors Associations Resellers KEY ACTIVITIES Create UX Design Design Scalable Infrastructure Design Security Integrate BSS Applications Develop Buiness Process Models RELATIONSHIPS Service Providers Third Party Services Business Prosses Outsourcing KEY RESOURCES Programming DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Master Agents Accountants COST STRUCTURE 20 to 30 basis point on gross billing REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING 100 to 125 basis points on gross billing
Created by BM|DESIGN|ER PARTNERS Billing Hosting VALUE PROPOSITION Self-Service BSS Lowest TCO Lower Onboarding Cost CUSTOMERS VARS ISVs Enterprises Distributors Associations Resellers KEY ACTIVITIES Create UX Design Design Scalable Infrastructure Design Security Integrate BSS Applications Develop Buiness Process Models RELATIONSHIPS Service Providers Third Party Services Business Prosses Outsourcing KEY RESOURCES Programming DISTRIBUTION & ACQUISITION CHANNELS Master Agents Accountants COST STRUCTURE 20 to 30 basis point on gross billing REVENUE STREAMS / PRICING