MOS Group NAB 2013 Conference 9 April 2013 Las Vegas Hotel Las Vegas, NV
roElementStat Proposal to modify section roElementStat : Status of a Single Element in a MOS Running Order This would add a bi-directional aspect to roElementStat message. Would allow the NCS to make a MOS aware of the status of an Item, Story or Running Order.
roElementStat – Proposed Language roElementStat - Status of a Single Element in a MOS Running Order Purpose roElementStatroElementStat is a method for either the NCS or MOS to update the other on the status of any ITEM, STORY, or RO. This allows the NCS to reflect the status of any element in the MOS Running Order in the NCS Running Order display. Allows the NCS to make a MOS aware of the status of an Item, Story or Running Order. status This message is a member of both profile 2 and 4. For use with profile 2 set the element attribute to either ITEM or RO to update the NCS on the status of an ITEM or a RO.status Note: roElementStat makes roStat and roItemStat legacy commands.roStatroItemStat
The meaning for ACK Recently there have been discussions about how and when a MOS or NCS should send an ACK. Should the ACK be sent as soon as a device receives a command, or should the ACK be sent after a device has processed the command? The protocol, as published today is ambiguous. When should a system send an ACK?
Object and Object Proxy Paths The MOS Protocol is currently ambiguous as to the requirement of the path. The protocol document will be edited to state that the name of the file to be returned from the call will include the file’s name, including file-type extension, as the character string following the last (forward or backward) slash character in the field.
Rest/JSON Last fall, following the IBC MOS meeting, there was a series of discussions about the prospect of adding a Rest/JSON version of MOS. This would complement the existing socket and WebServices versions of the Protocol. Is there interest among MOS Group members in working to pursue this?