THE BIG INTERVIEW Lashonda Daniels EDU 650 Teaching, Learning and Leading in the 21 st Century Dr. Joyce Frazier 1
INTRODUCTION Hello, search committee! I am Lashonda Daniels, graduate student of Ashford University. I hold a Bachelors of Science degree in Birth through Kindergarten Administration and Leadership from Winston Salem State University and have worked in childcare management for 6 years serving in a variety of leadership positions leading to my current as Assistant Center Director for Head start. I am elated to be chosen as one of 20 candidates for the Pre-Kindergarten Lead Teacher position and look forward in sharing why I should be selected. 2
PHILOSOPHY OF EDUCATION I believe every child deserves an equal opportunity at quality education. It is the responsibility of the teacher and parent to assist in creating a secure, caring and stimulating environment both at home and in the classroom where children are able to grow socially, emotionally and intellectually. 3
CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT PLAN In order to be an effective educator, one must have a classroom management plan. A classroom management plan serves as a variety of expectations and implementations educators use to keep students orderly, attentive and academically productive during the school year (Abbott, 2014). Modeling and applying the ISTE Standards for Students will assist in improving professional practices. 4
DIFFERENT SCHOOL MODELS Having the pleasure to observe different school settings and speaking with various educators, I have come to the conclusion that although schools share a common interest of developing and meeting the needs of the individual child, they also differ in many ways than one. 5
EFFECTIVE LESSON PLANNING AND DESIGN Research is one of the most important components in effective teaching and learning as well as asking veteran teachers and using the power of the internet to connect with other educators to determine the most effective lesson design in critical. (Newman,2013). In my particular classroom, students are expected to actively engage in meaningful learning and lead discussions. 6
ASSESSMENT MATTERS Assessments and evaluations play integral roles in our classrooms as it helps to determine what is being taught and what needs to be taught next. Formative and summative assessments assist teachers in tracking students’ academic achievement throughout the school year as well as determining the overall achievement in a specific area. 7
PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITIES One of the ways I stay connected to current research and innovation occurring in the field is through the many professional organizations. Connecting with organizations or groups provides educators with an opportunity to gain a larger perspective on the educational landscape (Newman, 2012). 8
REFERENCES 1. Newman, R. (2013). Teaching and learning in the 21 st century: Connecting the dots. [Electronic version]. Retrieved from 2. Damen, L (2012). No Excuses University: How Six Exceptional Systems Are Revolutionizing Our Schools [Electronic Version]. Retrieved from Myers, S (2008). Formative and Summative Assessments. Research Starters, 4cb4-ab44- 0c328d7cb9c5%40sessionmgr4002&vid=20&hid=4211&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWRzLWxpdm U%3d#AN= &db=ers 9