Determinants of Bahraini Women’s Empowerment Entisar Mohamed Ali Shaikh Mansoor Alsetri PhD in Politics RUW Conference on Women and Society April 2016
Presentation Key Points Research Background Conceptualization of Empowerment Notions of empowerment Methodology and Methods Sample of findings Conclusion
Research Background Importance of this research Women’s perceptions towards the determinants of their empowerment? What is Empowerment to them? Any Determinists “Factors” to be more “Empowered”? Any obstacles or barriers? Women’s perceptions towards the determinants of their empowerment? What is Empowerment to them? Any Determinists “Factors” to be more “Empowered”? Any obstacles or barriers?
Conceptualization of Empowerment Enablement Increasing Opportunities, Resources Increasing Opportunities, Resources Eliminating Barriers, Obstacles Eliminating Barriers, Obstacles
Notions of Empowerment The agency and opportunity structure Physical and psychological aspects of change Process of evaluation and mutual direction Gender power relations and roles A process of Conflict A positive notion A multi-dimensional approach based on notions about empowerment and the work of, for instance, Aslop et al (2006), Chen (1997), Kabeer (1999), Oxaal and Baden (1997) and the World Bank (2010) based on notions about empowerment and the work of, for instance, Aslop et al (2006), Chen (1997), Kabeer (1999), Oxaal and Baden (1997) and the World Bank (2010)
A Multi-dimensional View to Empowerment Structures Individuals, Groups, Institutions Individuals, Groups, Institutions Needs, Desires, Ambitions Needs, Desires, Ambitions Resources, Alternatives, Opportunities Resources, Alternatives, Opportunities Agency Empowerment Change, Achievements, Results Change, Achievements, Results
Methodology and methods Methodology: Mainly qualitative backed up with quantitative Interviews To investigate the perceptions and experiences of women regarding the determinants of their empowerment in more depth. Questionnaire To explore women’s perceptions regarding the determinants of their empowerment through combination of closed and open questions. Field & Observational Notes To record information in the field that help to get better understanding of the situation and descriptions of women’s statements. Documents To obtain the related available archival information, statistics and press reports.
Population and sampling Population Bahraini women Different backgrounds: Age group from 16 to above 66 Educational levels Economic statuses Occupations Political and Islamic orientations Sampling technique Snowballing sample technique Respondents 321 questionnaire 37 interviews
Findings: Empowerment and its determinants multi-dimensional. Continuous process. complex and differs in different cultural contexts. linked to related and interactive political, legal, social, religious and economic structures. linked with personal qualities and skills of agency.
Findings: women’s perceptions
Findings on educational means Education is a key factor to Women’s empowerment It builds confidence, independence and ability to participate outside the domestic zone. It increases power in family decision-making.
Findings on educational means A higher level of education is linked with higher alertness to political and socio- economic rights It is linked with improvements in other statuses and roles e.g. It leads to a better Health choices.
Findings on educational means A higher level of education is a social necessity to keep up with economic and social developments. It is linked with the characteristics of being Influential and prestigious.
Findings on educational means One participant said: ‘Understanding the self and awareness are both factors of empowerment. The more women understand themselves and the greater their awareness is, the more they will be powerful and in control of their abilities and factors to become influential. Women can overcome obstacles through knowledge.’
Conclusion Empowerment (multidimensional visualisation) Difficulty in ranking determinants (interrelated –changeable- transferable) Private selves and public (missing link )
Conclusion Legal and political participation (Lack of value) Cultural and religious interpretations (fear of discussion and challenge) Role of educational system (limited) Agency and resources : (empowerment)
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