日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・
UPPER HOUSE ELECTION 2016 / LDP, Komeito wins majority / Pro-charter change camp tops two-thirds threshold
ちょうかいちょうかい A new law will come into effect from Jan. 1, 2017, to take more steps to prevent harassment against pregnant women and mothers in workplaces including disciplinary action against companies. It will also be mandatory for employers to help protect women from being harassed by their superiors or colleagues, such as by conducting training courses and setting up consultation services.
LGBT/same-sex marriage I I I I Democracy/voting I I I I Ageing Society I I I I Falling birthrate/de-population I I I Gender I I I US Military/Okinawa I I Tourism/Japan boom I I Teens/Social Media I I Child Poverty/single mothers I I Hate speech I Tobacco I Love (crowdfunding) I Death penalty I Employment/pay I Textbooks/Suicide/China I Articles in English: 2016
Olympics/tourism/Tokyo I I I I I I Okinawa (70 years) I I I I Matahara/women/sexuality I I I Romance/macho men I I I Dance /music I I I Whaling I I Education/national anthem I I (Collective) defense I I (Foreign) Workers I I Robot dogs I Earthquakes I Pension/hacking I History problems I Bath/shower I Language I Articles in English: 2015
Women/gender/children I I I I Whaling (eels) I I I I Same-sex marriage I I I Foreign workers/trainees I I I (English) education) I I I Dancing ban/drugs I I I Ageing Society/population I I I Tourism/Olympics I I Beauty/fashion I I Kawaii/Cute/idols I I Collective defense/Article 9 I I Business /tech I I Washoku I Blood types I Death Penalty Articles in English: 2014
Working hours/style/illness I I I I I Whaling/biological diversity I I I Anime/pop culture/mascots (yuru-chara) I I I Senkaku Islands I I I National flags/Racism/Apology I I I Declining Birthrate/school security I I Autumn Enrolment for Universities/foreign students I I Mount Fuji Returnees ( きこくせい )/ Bullying Olympus scandal Food Human trafficking/visa-free entry for Thais iPS technology Tokyo Olympics 2020 Wind chimes Articles in English: 2013
Next Week: Semester Review 25 multiple choice (2 points each) –Select from a, b, c, or d (in groups!) 1 English composition (individually) –Choose from 8 questions 50pts + = 100pts No electronic dictionaries, books, or memos…
Examples of Multiple Choice Questions
In 2060, the Japanese population is estimated to be… a)130 million b)100 million c)86 million d)50 million
Examples of English Composition Questions
a)Japan should recognise dual nationality: Discuss b) Permanent residents should be given voting and employment rights: Discuss c) Alien cards are not necessary for permanent residents: Discuss d) Compensation should be given to ‘sex- slaves’ and ‘slave-labourers’: Discuss
HINTS Don’t use “I think” or “In my opinion…” - You are presenting arguments, not opinions. Try and put your personal opinions and emotions to one side. Analyse in a balanced/logical way (like the debate) - e.g. 1 paragraph each: 賛成・反対・まとめ
Japan should recognise dual nationality: discuss There are three arguments against dual nationality. First, …..Second,....Third….. There are two arguments for dual nationality. First, …..Second,.... In summary, the main arguments were…Points ABC were strong because…Points XYZ were weak because. Overall, ….
Points to Remember Semester Review (test) Date July 21 st (come on time!) The test covers the whole semester Compositions can be as long as you like (assuming you have time to write!) Questions are almost all from the lecture and powerpoints: you don’t need to review every word of the handouts powerpoints If you want to check your test results, please drop by my office next semester (international students can pick up before then)
日本研究演習 ( 英語 ) A Chris Burgess (1 号館 1308 研究室、内線 164) ・