Combination of the treatment stages drying and conversion Use of sludges from industrial processes Making of industially reusable products Use of oil and coke as high-energy recources in industrial processes Sludge –Recycling - Process
Process Design
Petroleum production-, oil refining-, and coal conversion waste Waste chemical sludge for example oil refining sludge Sludgy tank cleaning residues, Tank cleaning waste, Oil separator contents Oil and tar disposal sites / dangerous waste from the past treatment of municipal sewage sludges Tars, Acid resins, acid tars Feed material
making of usable products: oil and coke Possibility of adaptation to variable tasks Use of standardised apparatus sizes Advantages of this method
Bulding of plant: 1998 – 1999 Start up: 1999 Shutdown: Juli 2003 Throughput: t/a depending on composition of feed material Special featurs: Double strand plant Multistase predewatering / dehydration Production of thermal heat energy for the process out of obtained products Treatment plant
Dewatering Static -Three lying 100 m³ containers Mechanical -2 decanter, Flottweg, Gemany typ Z4D -10 m³/h per decanter / hydraulic performanie Conversion -4 converters / type Aicher 9000 / 49 -Efficiency / output 1,1 t/h per converter Drying -2 vacuum knead dryer type B Evaporating efficiency 660 KW/h per decanter Product separation / treatment of oil -2 tricanter centrifuges,Flottweg, German type Z4D - 4 m³/h per tricanter/ hydraulic performance Plant components
Making of the hot water -2 boilers / fired by natural gas or oil (each 2,2 MW fireing heat flow) Storage and loading of products -Oil – lying tanks, tank trucks -Coke – silo truck / big bags optionaly Hot gas production (HGP) -2 fireing boxes (each 1,8 MW) -1 emergency firering boxes Transformer -Output 2 MW Plant components Cooling plantpart -Cooling down by air-cooled heat exchanger
Specification Pocess control Siemens S 7 (400), visualisation WinCC / measurement technology mainly Endress & Hauser Protection against explosion N2-shielding in relevant plant parts, cooled coke discharge protection against detonation in exhaustair pipeline HGP, production against flareback in converter residual gas pipeline HGP, non – return valve at vacuumpumps of the steam gas pipeline / HGP = hot gas production Supply points Electrical energy: 2 x kVA (= 2 x kW) Emergency power generator:750 kVA (= 600 kW) Water:DN 65 / 5 bar Gas:DN 100 / 800 mbar Safety check boiler system until 12 /2005, last check 02 / 2005, overhauling 05/2003
Plant map
Mechanical dewatering Specifications Hydraulically powered sedimentation centrifuge Continuing separation of two liquids and one sedimentable solid phase Adding of oil- and solid phase (special separate extensions stage of the plant Rositz) Infinitely variable setting of centrifuge speed N 2 - shielding (optionaly) Main treatment stages
Drying Specifications Indirectly heated knead dryer Heated through double jacket, knead shaft and disk segments Heated through hot water or steam (16 bar, 176 °C) Vacuum drying at about mbar absolut, 130°C Vapour condensation in injection condenser Main treatment stages
Process diagram drying Main treatment stages
conversion Specifications Conversion aggregate -Tubular reactor: lying, indirectly heated, rotating internals -Patented make -Conversion under exclusion of oxygen ( temp. range °C) -Indirect heating via doublejacket through hot air (temp. range °C) Condensation of carbonization gas in injection condenser Thermocatalytic conversion reaction: oil and coke Main treatment stages
Process diagram conversion Main treatment stage
Auxiliary agents and waste products Aux. Agents Natural gas: starting up of firing boxes, operating safety torch Propan: igniter firing boxes Aux agens for the breaking of emulsions (as for needed) Nitrogene: inertiring of plant parts Waste products Carbonisation water: water from steam condensationof the conversion Waste water