Research on Krakow’s 2016 WYD participants Presentation of results July 11, 2016
Summary 2 The WYD, an event to find oneself through Jesus Christ More than half a million youngsters will travel to Poland, to meet Pope Francis at Krakow’s 2016 WYD. What are they like? What are they looking for? What will they do during those days? An online survey among more than 7,400 pilgrims from more than one hundred countries carried by the consultancy firm GAD3, tries to answer these questions. The poll has been done in the first ten days of July, in the nine official languages of the WYD: English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian. Three out of four (75.4%) very much want to find themselves through Jesus Christ. Taking part in an event with Pope Francis (65.6%), living new experiences (65.6%) and helping spreading the word of the Lord (58.9%) are also other widely stated motivations among respondents to the survey. For two out of three (67.4%) this will be the first WYD, and for those who took part in a previous WYD, it was a very positive experience (78.8%). The average age is 22 with a slight majority of women. One in four will be from Poland (25.5%). Besides, Italy, Brazil, France, Spain, Portugal, the United States, Mexico, Argentina and Germany will be the countries from which more pilgrims will come to the WYD. Great desires of being better. Maturing and becoming a better person are rated as ‘very much’ for the majority (81.5%) when asked to what extent they think that faith in Jesus Christ is positive for. Being kind and helping the poor and needy (76.2%), as well as building a better world (75.7%), are other realities that believing in Christ they think is useful for. All these figures, plus the fact that 77.1% acknowledge that WYDs have influenced their lives, lead to conclude that Krakow’s WYD will be a life-changing experience for many. Attending the WYD, a unique religious experience to be shared with other people. The poll also found that more than 3 in 4 people (79.6%) who will take part in this event will attend it either with a religious group or an association, or with a parish. A wide range of pilgrims who also show other common patterns, such as how they will get to Krakow. The majority of those attending the WYD with a parish will reach the Polish city by bus (49%), only seven points more than those going with a religious group, for whom buses will also be the main mean of transportation. The WYD, a great chance to visit other countries. The survey also reveals that nearly six in ten pilgrims travelling to Poland (57.8%) will also visit other nations. The most preferred options are: Italy (35.2%), Germany (32.6%), the Czech Republic (31.2%) and Austria (28.9%). Not surprisingly, those coming from further away are more likely to visit other nations: the 80.8% of pilgrims from the American continent will travel to other countries.
Attendance to previous WYDs Have you attended a World Youth Day before? Which one/s? 3
Rating the WYD How would you rate these Youth Days? [only answered by the 32.4% who attended a previous WYD] 4
Journey to Krakow Arrive Krakow When do you plan to arrive in Krakow? And when do you plan to leave Krakow? Leave Krakow 5 July July/ August
Date of arrival by means of transport 6 When do you plan to arrive in Krakow? vs. How do you plan to travel to Krakow? % of total Day of arrival
Date of leave by means of transport 7 When do you plan to leave Krakow? vs. how do you plan to travel to Krakow? Day of leaving % of total
Going with who? Who do you plan to attend the World Youth Day with? 8
Transportation to Krakow How do you plan to travel to Krakow? 9
Accommodation in Krakow Where do you plan to stay? 10
Transport & Accommodation by groups How do you plan to travel to Krakow? & Where do you plan to stay? vs. Who do you plan to attend the World Youth Day with? 11 BusPlaneTrainCarOther Still undecided Total With a parish 49%26%18%1%2%4% 100% With a religious group or an association 42%36%13%2% 5% 100% With a school 40%41%16%1% 100% With family members 17%31%19%25%3%5% 100% With friends 25%35%23%7%3%6% 100% Total 41%32%17%3%2%5% 100% Foster family Parish Hotel or the like Sports centre Campsite With friends or acquaintances With family Rented house Other Still undecided Total With a parish 18%19%10% 3%1% 8%29%100% With a religious group or association 16%15%12%9%4%2%1% 12%28%100% With a school 13%11%19%9%3% 1% 16%30%100% With family members 9%8%14%2% 8%17%9%7%23%100% With friends 15%11%8%6%4%9%5% 11%25%100% Total 16% 11%9%3% 2% 10%28%100%
Visiting other countries? Apart from Poland, do you plan to visit any other countries? By continents 12 Excluding Polish pilgrims Pilgrims coming from:
Visiting other countries? 13 Excluding Polish pilgrims
Spoken languages Which of the following languages do you understand and which do you not understand? 14
Motivation for attending the WYD Please rate to what extent the following motives have led you to attend these World Youth Days, on a rating scale of very much, somewhat, slightly or not at all 15
Faith in Jesus Christ Based on your experience, to what extent do you think that faith in Jesus Christ is positive for…? 16
Rating the WYD To what extent do you believe that the Youth Days…? 17
Influence of the WYD on your life And to what extent have the World Youth Days influenced your life...? 18
Participation in activities Do you participate in any of the following activities? 19
Pilgrim’s profile: gender and age Gender 20 Groups of age Average age: 22 years
Pilgrim’s profile: country of residence Which is your country of residence? 21
Pilgrim’s profile Level of education Current employment status 22
Pilgrim’s profile Who do you live with? 23
Presence on social networks Do you tend to use any of these social media sites? 24
Messaging tools Do you often use any of these messaging tools to communicate with your friends or family members? 25
Survey details 26 Universe: pilgrims attending Krakow’s 2016 WYD Sample: completed interviews from more than one hundred different countries. Data-gathering process: online interview, self-managed questionnaire by means of CAWI system (Computer Assisted Web Interviewing). Margin of error: ± 1,2% (N=7.446), for a 95.5 level of confidence (two sigmas) and in the most unfavorable hypothesis of P=Q=0,5, in the postulation of simple random sampling. Language of the questionnaire: English, Polish, Spanish, French, Russian, Italian, Portuguese and Ukrainian. Duration of the interview: 7-8 minutes approximately. Interviewing dates: July Institute: GAD3
Countries in the sample 27
Questionnaires (English version) 28
Questionnaires (English version) 29
Questionnaires (Polish version) 30
Questionnaires (Polish version) 31
Team 32 Sara Morais Head of the Research team Degree in Economics and Law. Narciso Michavila Project Manager President of GAD3. PhD in Sociology. Puy Campo International Consultant Degree in Marketing and graduate studies in Leadership & Management. David Iglesias Head of the Communication team Degree in Journalism and a MD in Political Management. For more information on the survey and the results, the team can be reached on: Telephone: GAD3 is a company specialized in sociological research and consultancy. Based in Spain, it also carried a survey among pilgrims to the WYD in Madrid in 2011.